Don't forget that if Yahoo can be triggered into shutting down FFL for 
violations of Yahoo's rules, then those rules probably include shutting FFL 
down if there's any chance that Yahoo will become involved in a lawsuit or be 
accused of criminality.

Case in point:  Ravi's statements might actually constitute libel and if FFL 
egregiously allows that to continue after FFL's been repeatedly warned that it 
is doing so, then both Ravi, FFL's moderators and Yahoo could all be named 
parties in at least a civil dispute.  You guys got $50,000 to pay lawyers to 
defend yourselves?

I would think that Curtis has given just such a warning to FFL even if he's 
such a nice guy that he'd merely leave FFL instead of starting a lawsuit.  

Not that I'm saying any such action would have much legal traction, but we must 
note that Yahoo will cut off FFL at the very first sign that Yahoo might have 
to pay a lawyer dime one.  It simply will not care in the least about us here.

Therefore:  just as anyone here has the possible power to shut down FFL by 
anonymously flooding it with porn and then complaining to Yahoo about it as "a 
concerned citizen," so too can Curtis give a simple "heads up email" to Yahoo 
that he might be suing it for yada yada, and BAM all our posts are probably 
forever inaccessible or out-rightly erased.  

Therefore I say:  Ravi is the cause of this risk -- not Rick's largess or that 
Curtis is somehow so wrong that Ravi is forced by integrity to besmirch Curtis 
by possibly slandering him.   

And, hey, Ravi:  There's war mongers here and you're worried about Curtis 
wanting sex?  Get the fuck real.  

And failing Ravi's agreement to rein in his accusations, then I think the onus 
DOES then go to Rick, and in all love, I warn Rick that this scenario could go 
south and ugly in a nanosecond and that it is not merely his Yahoo group at 
stake, but it is a community's worth of wisdom and struggle that might be lost 
to the world because of the actions of a single "outrageously indifferent to 
the civilities of the group" poster.



--- In, "Alex Stanley" <j_alexander_stanley@...> 
> --- In, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> >
> > Yep, I should hope the FFL moderators would enforce the highest
> > levels of civility here.
> You can hope until you're blue in the face, but until Rick decides he no 
> longer wants FFL to be an almost anything goes free-speech zone, you're 
> likely to remain disappointed. I suggest people simply filter out those 
> participants they find disagreeable.

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