--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wgm4u" <anitaoaks4u@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "wgm4u" <anitaoaks4u@> wrote:
> > 
> > > There is NO such thing as GAY, God did not create men OR woman GAY, they 
> > > made that choice themselves at some point in the past in this life or 
> > > previous ones, it's that simple.
> > 
> > I always wonder when I hear this argument if it is in fact a revelation 
> > that the writer made an active choice on their sexual orientation. I figure 
> > you are probably not gay so I am not going there. But I am curious about 
> > this concept of choice because my sexuality did not emerge with any element 
> > of that.  The "magic" was held by the girls for me.  And for my gay cousin 
> > it was in boys for him at the same early age.  Ignoring the past life 
> > choices angle which is too far fetched to address, sexual attraction is not 
> > a choice, it is a much deeper urge.
> > 
> > Was it a choice for you?
> No, generally we're hardwired to be attracted to the 'opposite' sex,(in order 
> to propagate the race) though that innate urge is *malleable* and therefor 
> subject to behavior and freewill, IMO.

Interesting.  Not for me in the malleable department.  I am very turned off by 
any dudeness in a chick.  A lack of femininity can bring me right back to not 
interested like the Seinfeld episode with the woman the the man hands!  So with 
all my liberal leaning and gay friendliness I couldn't pull it off myself as a 
choice, I just wouldn't get the engine running on that track.

I had some deep talks with my cousin when he came out and it was the same for 
him.  He was deeply attracted to masculinity and femininity in men turned him 
off.  He always had super hunk boyfriends and no one would guess either of them 
were gay by the standard stereotypes.

So I guess for me, I can't see any free will about such an unconscious bias for 
me, so I figure it is the same for them.  

> Someday the human race will evolve enough morally and will only have sex in 
> the context of marriage and for children, that day has not come yet but it 
> will usher in greater happiness for the human family.>

I think you might be missing the loving communication that sex brings couples 
outside the context of procreation.  What is a higher moral value than 
deepening your loving connection?  If sex isn't doing that for you then you are 
missing something important.  It might go back to all the stuff that your girl 
really wants you to do that you don't think of as "normal".


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