-- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> > I had some deep talks with my cousin when he came out and it was the
> same for him. He was deeply attracted to masculinity and femininity in
> men turned him off. He always had super hunk boyfriends and no one would
> guess either of them were gay by the standard stereotypes.
> Okay.  I live and work in the gay part of town.  Where I work, in
> particular, is populated by many gay bars.  On ocassion I notice
> hundreds of gay bikers converging for one or other special event.  They
> look like any other biker group.  From a distance, I cannot perceive any
> difference between them and say, Hell Angels.  But I have always assumed
> that gay men are effeminate in some way.  And that in a relationship,
> one tended to be more dominant, (masculine), and one, more passive,
> (feminine).  But in both cases there would be some feminine qualities.>

I think we all have some mix of masculine and feminine, but I haven't noticed 
that gay men who are not presenting as effeminate have any more of it than I 
do.  Some gay dudes are just as idiotic in seeking superficial sexual conquests 
as any hetero one night stand loving dude.  But my cousin is the kind of guy 
who wanted a deep meaningful relationship and he has pulled it off as 
successfully as any of my straight friends.  And they both seem just like any 
other metrosexual dudes I know.  They take care of themselves, but are all men 
in how they present.  Which makes sense because they are attracted to maleness 
the way I am to femininity. 

But even so I don't want some girly girl who can't get splashed by a little 
bracing pond water when we are out in kayaks.  I am not a fan of the long fake 
fingernails high maintenance type chick, so I guess everyone has their 
standards for the masculine feminine mix.

I also know some gay couples where there is a masculine feminine polarity in 
play and sometimes to a comic extreme!

I believe gay people have all the variations of attraction and types that 
strait couples do.  But we probably don't know how they will present themselves 
after decades of living in an accepting society.  So far they have been 
somewhat shaped by survival, which at the primary school level is still brutal.


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