The download 'limit' put on non-member readers evidently puts viewing FFL to 
seeing message 'summaries' in message mode only. First 150 characters become 
the most important of a post after the subject heading.

--- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
> It is probably a DOS attack from some demented asswipe who doesn't like 
> FFL for some reason or another.   Perhaps I should do a tantric ritual 
> to make their fingers fall off. :-D
> Those are easy to do with with an open group.  When I had a group I 
> don't recall Yahoo providing any analytics and I suspect they still 
> don't.  If you moved the group to Google you might have those plus 
> Google might punt any DOSers.
> Years ago I had a DOS attack on my Earthlink site.  In that case I did 
> have a log to refer too and Earthlink who could have charged me for 
> overages didn't.  They instead probably billed the college where the 
> attack came from (it was over Christmas break) and the college probably 
> booted the student.
> I've only seen the message once and that was last night checking my 
> email at 8 PM and since I got no messages from FFL checked the web site 
> and that banner was there.  Apparently the quota roles over at midnight 
> PDT.
> On 07/29/2012 04:33 AM, iranitea wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "marekreavis" <reavismarek@> wrote:
> >> Buck, who do you believe it is that follows FFL so avidly and who we would 
> >> be surprised do?
> >>
> >> ***
> > Marek, there are more lurkers than you think, as there are also many 
> > inactive members, many just don't want to participate in fights or expose 
> > themselves to the public, so they don't post.
> >
> > But apart form that, FFL very frequently tops Google searches for very 
> > special search terms. Obviously people are not interested in the kind of 
> > quibbles some here have specialized in, but there are still interesting 
> > topics coming up, with some, I think quite sophisticated input.
> >
> > I have checked access to the group, when not being logged in, and access to 
> > other public Yahoo groups, I am not a member of, and it seemed there was no 
> > problem in the other groups, but one would have to test this a little more. 
> > That bots can play a role is obvious, as there are sometimes captchas 
> > coming along with Google searches, especially if there are a lot of 
> > searches coming from one IP. This is to filter out bots.
> >
> > Logging in would be one means by Yahoo to ensure it is not an automated 
> > request. Bot activity is obviously quite common and widespread in the 
> > internet, so it does not mean that it is necessarily directed against FFL 
> > in particular, OTOH it cannot be excluded, whoever says the opposite is 
> > lying.
> >
> > As we have a mirror site, it would be easy for lurkers to go just there, if 
> > they only knew, not so likely if they are coming from Google search. Maybe 
> > the mirror site should be mentioned in the intro text, of course one would 
> > have to ensure it is not against Yahoo policies.
> >
> >> --- In, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >>>> --- In, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
> >>>> <anartaxius@> wrote:
> >>>>> Is there some reason people are interested in us?
> >>>> Not bloody likely. :-)
> >>>>
> >>> Dear Mr.Turguoiseb, I would respectfully disagree with your (narrow) POV 
> >>> on this.
> >>> I found the recent discussion of SSRS's instruction on silent awareness 
> >>> during meditation versus the other brand meditation to be particularly 
> >>> well drawn out on both sides.  It was very interesting.  I would suspect 
> >>> that both interested parties, camps of SSRS-AOL'ers and MMY-TM'ers, were 
> >>> downloading the proceedings like crazy following through the discussion 
> >>> that discerned some very interesting spiritual nuance.  It was very 
> >>> interesting indeed and certainly drove readership.  There were some other 
> >>> subjects too during the period which evidently drove FFL downloads by 
> >>> non-member lurkers.  This new 'exceeding download' error message seems to 
> >>> revolve around periods of content driven downloads.  Unless these were 
> >>> denial of service downloads, we should expect now that Yahoo in its 
> >>> liquidation would sell FFL as an asset that actually drives content 
> >>> views.  You'd be amazed who all the audience of this place is.  Some 
> >>> writers would be embarrassed if they realized.
> >>> -Buck
> >>>
> >
> >

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