--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > Steve, I honestly don't know why you and Curtis got
> > sucked into this sucker's game. Robin has clearly
> > lured you both into his same old same old routine
> > of interacting with him endlessly, with him calling
> > the shots and getting you to jump through hoops.
> >
> >
> > My "apologies" from Robin and Judy were not in any
> > way supposed to be irony, or even funny. They were
> > an attempt to convey -- in as few words as possible
> > -- what they should really say in such an apology
> > if they were in the least bit honest. With themselves,
> > and with others here.
> >
> > These are crazy people. They reduced Fairfield Life
> > yesterday to their level, and sucked other people
> > into it.
> >
> > If you're got the time to waste on such bullshit,
> > I leave you to it. I do not.
> >
> A couple things.  We hear from Judy that she feels she must always set
> the record straight.
> I guess I have some of that as well.  For the most part I am a lurker. 
> I am probably a 15 posts a week person.  But certain things bug me, and
> I am willing to make a stand on them.  I guess I am somewhat like Susan
> in that regard.
> And really, this whole issue concerns mostly Curtis.  I mean others were
> also subject to the hijacking of their POV, but so far Curtis is the
> only one who is pressing it.  I wonder if Susan is aware of the post
> that was made on her account by Robin.  Who knows.

No, I was not aware that Robin posted "on my account."  But thanks for letting 
me know, Steve.  I have so little time to read FFL that I am often way behind 
on things here.  In fact, I won't even be bothering to go back and see what 
Robin wrote on my account. I will admit that I was talking on the phone while 
reading FFL last night - a "dangerous" thing to do if you take this seriously 
and want to be able to defend yourself here.  Anyway, I gather I was responding 
to a single post of Emily's when apparently I had missed an earlier one.  Ah 
well, that is history now and not what I am going to spend my time on.  Because 
in 1 minute  I leave for the gym and then yoga. Both make me feel terrific 
after a day's work.  Til later.

> And I admit Barry, that I have been enjoying this exchange, but with the
> caveat, that it is not my POV that has been hijacked, or parodied, or
> whatever you want you want to call it.  And then this morning, I
> thought, for a moment, that it might actually be fun for someone to
> assume my POV in a post.  But then, thinking about further, I don't
> think there is anyone I trust enough to do that.  I mean if it were 
> temporary, that would be one thing.  But as has been pointed out, these
> are permanent postings.
> And I enjoyed your "apologies" in whatever spirit you posted them.

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