--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" <lurkernomore20002000@...> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@>
> wrote:
> > Yep, reading comprehension never was your strong suit, Steve. It's why
> Ravi calls you a fucking retard and ask I you to get your facts straight
> so you don't always sound like you don't know what you're talking about.
> Here's the scoop: Ann uses "dancing" as a metaphor for the part that
> everyone played in generating and perpetuating the group dynamic of WTS.
> This is such an elementary lesson in the use of metaphor, that I feel
> embarrassed for you that you didn't get it. Now, if you were being
> honest, Steve, you would have cited a specific example of giving a wide
> berth to my allies, rather than calling my integrity into
> question...again. Look to your own integrity when you make unfounded
> allegations and for goodness sake, start writing as if you're not in a
> chronic fog of confusion.
> Yea, I missed it Raunchy.  I guess sometimes that happens when you read
> something too quickly.  Sort of like when Robin posted the beautiful
> video of the two Brazillian singers doing the duet.   I felt sorry  that
> you could be so clueless as to the intent of the video.  As I recall
> Judy had to enlighten you on that one. 

Oh the bones, the bones, the tired old bones that Steve feels compelled to dig 
up for justice, truth and the American way...and wrong bones again at that. I 
did your homework for you and found the video and thread you're referring to, 
in which I said: 

"Robin, why did you post this video? I don't understand Spanish, so I don't get 
it. Maybe Share does." 


In fact I did get the video and Robin's reason for posting it. Robin gave 
several reasons why he posted the video but this one in particular is why I 
responded to his posting of the video: 

"Share does not appear to know how to interact off of the cues given to her by 
the other person: the synchrony and interactive unification of these two 
singers seemed to offer a lesson in how to use another human being to be 
inspired what to say, write, or sing next." 

Perhaps it was a poor use of irony on my part to convey that I agreed with 
Robin that Share doesn't read cues from others very well...and neither do you 
for that matter. Judy didn't understand why I wrote what I wrote and I didn't 
bother to correct her.

> Or perhaps the fact that you may
> have been the last person to realize that Osama Bin Laden was
> killed by
> US troops.  Or maybe you still aren't dialed into that yet.

You missed it Steve. I owned up to my penchant for conspiracies and the Bin 
Laden conspiracy in particular with Judy, long ago.

> I don't care to once again bring up the issue of your lack of
> credibility. As I've said before, the only one who has sometimes been so

If anyone lacks credibility around here, Steve...it's you.

> one sided about issues is Sal.  Perhaps that is why you  have such 
> animosity towards her.  You know how  that works, right?

In case you hadn't noticed Sal hasn't posted anything on FFLife in a long time. 
The last time her name came up was because she had posted a shitty email to 
Emily. Go ahead...defend Sal over that one...it should be fun to watch.

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