I'm glad you've found a way to save face Raunchy.  That's important.

Sort of like when  Ravi misuses a word, gets embarassed, and then finds
some tertiary definition to make it look like he knew what he was
talking about.

Something along these lines.

Good times.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@...>
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1"
lurkernomore20002000@ wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "raunchydog" <raunchydog@>
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Yep, reading comprehension never was your strong suit, Steve. It's
> > Ravi calls you a fucking retard and ask I you to get your facts
> > so you don't always sound like you don't know what you're talking
> > Here's the scoop: Ann uses "dancing" as a metaphor for the part that
> > everyone played in generating and perpetuating the group dynamic of
> > This is such an elementary lesson in the use of metaphor, that I
> > embarrassed for you that you didn't get it. Now, if you were being
> > honest, Steve, you would have cited a specific example of giving a
> > berth to my allies, rather than calling my integrity into
> > question...again. Look to your own integrity when you make unfounded
> > allegations and for goodness sake, start writing as if you're not in
> > chronic fog of confusion.
> >
> >
> > Yea, I missed it Raunchy. I guess sometimes that happens when you
> > something too quickly. Sort of like when Robin posted the beautiful
> > video of the two Brazillian singers doing the duet. I felt sorry
> > you could be so clueless as to the intent of the video. As I recall
> > Judy had to enlighten you on that one.
> Oh the bones, the bones, the tired old bones that Steve feels
compelled to dig up for justice, truth and the American way...and wrong
bones again at that. I did your homework for you and found the video and
thread you're referring to, in which I said:
> "Robin, why did you post this video? I don't understand Spanish, so I
don't get it. Maybe Share does."
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/321624
> In fact I did get the video and Robin's reason for posting it. Robin
gave several reasons why he posted the video but this one in particular
is why I responded to his posting of the video:
> "Share does not appear to know how to interact off of the cues given
to her by the other person: the synchrony and interactive unification of
these two singers seemed to offer a lesson in how to use another human
being to be inspired what to say, write, or sing next."
> Perhaps it was a poor use of irony on my part to convey that I agreed
with Robin that Share doesn't read cues from others very well...and
neither do you for that matter. Judy didn't understand why I wrote what
I wrote and I didn't bother to correct her.
> > Or perhaps the fact that you may
> > have been the last person to realize that Osama Bin Laden was
> > killed by
> > US troops. Or maybe you still aren't dialed into that yet.
> >
> You missed it Steve. I owned up to my penchant for conspiracies and
the Bin Laden conspiracy in particular with Judy, long ago.
> > I don't care to once again bring up the issue of your lack of
> > credibility. As I've said before, the only one who has sometimes
been so
> If anyone lacks credibility around here, Steve...it's you.
> > one sided about issues is Sal. Perhaps that is why you have such
> > animosity towards her. You know how that works, right?
> >
> In case you hadn't noticed Sal hasn't posted anything on FFLife in a
long time. The last time her name came up was because she had posted a
shitty email to Emily. Go ahead...defend Sal over that one...it should
be fun to watch.

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