There was a post from wts via Ravi this morning!  So based on that, I'd say wts 
is alive and kicking.  Or maybe zorbing.  Anyway, something relevant:  when the 
karma is finished, the cure appears.  Another version:  when the karma is 
finished, the healer appears.  Came to mind as I've been thinking about 
complete healing.  Which seems related to your wts questions to me.  It seems 
that another way to ask those wts questions is:  do I think there has been 
complete healing of wts since Nov 11.  Uhoh, still a rabbit hole as Richard 
would say.  Still FFL waters that can be muddied way too quickly.  Anyway, 
maybe someone is completely healed.  Time will tell.

Oh, I didn't think you were contesting anything I said.  And thanks, I got it 
about your not disagreeing with Judy or Raunchy.  And yes, there's always 
another way to look at everything.

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