--- In, "seventhray1" <lurkernomore20002000@...> 
> Hi Gang,
> I just tuned in for a moment, and I haven't read what came before this,
> or whats come after.
> But this is one of the funniest posts I have read in a long time.
> Share, I gotta say that at this point I am feeling very sorry for those
> guys, (and gals) at Batgap.  We purloined their best talent.
> I mean, if that whole group were a Pokemon card, it would be have to be
> Snorelax.  And if you were a Pokemon card, Share, it would be Pikachu,
> the most beloved of all the Pokemons.
> Emily, remember when you derived so much joy from the Judy/Robin
> exchange a long time back.  I couldn't relate.  But the humor in that
> exchange was so evident to you.
> I hope you can appreciate the marvelous humor Share is employing here.
> Kudos Share!
> --- In, Share Long <sharelong60@>
> wrote:
> >
> > EmilyBoo what does it mean when someone puts a word between
> asterisks?  I've been wondering this for a long time but it hasn't
> seemed truly pertinent til now.  And it sounds like you feel
> entitled to a simple yes or no answer because you have spent SO many
> posts on me this week.  OTOH, you say that I am healing your
> karma.  See how it all balances out all by itself (-:
> >
> > BTW, speaking of stress, don't listen to those TM teachers!  You
> can be totally unstressing and still be making a valid point.  Like
> when they fed us millet at every meal.  Of course people were
> unstressing on that!  Only a totally zorbed out person wouldn't!Â
> The point is, the unstressors were making a very valid, uh, point. 
> What's a good synonym for the word point do you think?
> >
> >
> > Anyway, what was the question, what was the question...oh, yes
> wts.  Completely healed.  November 11th.  Yes or no. 
> Asterisks.  Honey.
> >
> > You know, Ravi did not sound like himself at all today.  I did
> wonder if HE might be completely healed.  Either that or he has been
> totally assimilated by the BORG.  Buttery Omnivorous Robin Group.
> >
> > Which is perfect just as it is.  Warts and all.  As is
> wts.  As is FFL High School football lunch table in the cafeteria
> gang.
> >
> > PS  Your answer is in the first two sentences just above.  You
> did say I could answer with more than yes or no.  Remember?
> >
> >
> > ________________________________
> >  From: emilymae.reyn emilymae.reyn@
> > To:
> > Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 11:17 AM
> > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: to Emily part 2
> >
> >
> > Â
> > Sharester, "Do you think there has been complete healing of wts since
> November 11th?"  Yes or No.  It is *your* question, honey.  No rabbit
> hole, just a simple yes or no will do for me.  Now, I have spent many
> posts this week on you - you are healing my karma.  I must back off of
> my propensity to comment or I will post out again, and I'm not in the
> mood to do that this week.  I wish you a stress-free day.
> >
> > --- In, Share Long sharelong60@ wrote:
> > >
> > > There was a post from wts via Ravi this morning!  So based on
> that, I'd say wts is alive and kicking.  Or maybe zorbing. 
> Anyway, something relevant:Â  when the karma is finished, the cure
> appears.  Another version:  when the karma is finished, the
> healer appears.  Came to mind as I've been thinking about complete
> healing.  Which seems related to your wts questions to me.  It
> seems that another way to ask those wts questions is:Â  do I think
> there has been complete healing of wts since Nov 11.  Uhoh, still a
> rabbit hole as Richard would say.  Still FFL waters that can be
> muddied way too quickly.  Anyway, maybe someone is completely
> healed.  Time will tell.
> > >
> > > Oh, I didn't think you were contesting anything I said.  And
> thanks, I got it about your not disagreeing with Judy or Raunchy. 
> And yes, there's always another way to look at everything.
> > >
> >

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