--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@...> wrote:
> Placebo?  No son, this kind of spirituality ain't no placebo.  It is for real 
> and it is reality. You're living in the Maya-n age.  Maharishi did'nt need to 
> make no excuses for he came up with help time and again for your sorry ass.  
> Make excuses?  Look at the illumined on BATGAP.COM, they are mostly a bunch 
> of illumined veteran TM'ers .  There's a town full of illumined here on earth 
> right here too, Fairfield present-tense. Someone seems to have missed the 
> bus.  Stop your whining and come back to meditation.  Be on time.  Time is 
> short on earth, make use of it while you got it.  Be on time this time.  
> Repent and come back before it is too late,
> -Buck in the Dome  

What you are saying inspires the same anxiety that made me leave the TMO in the 
first place.  You're saying 'time is short' and 'come back before it's too 
late'.  According to vedic teachings, we are in a cycle of birth and death.  We 
continue to be born and die over and over until we reach a state where our 
concsiousness is fully developed.  Therefore, we shouldn't be in a state of 
anxiety in terms of this lifetime.  I remember when I was at MIU/MUM (I was 
there when the name changed), some teachers would try to warn us not to fall 
off the path, and to achieve enlightenment in this lifetime.  What i'm 
wondering is whether or not they really believe that we're in a cycle of birth 
and death then?  Do they really believe this is our only chance?  Is MMY's 
teachings the only teachings in the history of the world that can lead us to 
enlightenment, and he's the last teacher of this kind for the rest of eternity? 

Enlightenment is inevitable for all souls, not just those of us who learned TM 
in this life.  Warning people to take advantage of this here and now as if it's 
their last chance is simply putting them in a state of anxiety....the exact 
opposite of enlightenment.  As for me, i'll stay on the program, but refuse to 
live in fear of not getting as much out of a lifetime as I can.  My perception 
of worrying about getting enlightened in this lifetime is like a soldier who is 
afraid of dying in combat.  You're missing the key element that is supposed to 
be intrinsic to the path you chose.  It's a sign that a person doesn't really 
have faith in cosmic intelligence.  I remember a recording of Alan Watts that 
accused modern new-age teachings of enlightenment to be nothing more than 
people trying to get 'one-up on the universe'.  Not that there's anything wrong 
with spirituality or aspirations for enlightenment, but the anxiety of not 
achieving it implies that we don't really have faith in divinity in the first 
place.  We don't really have faith that nature will take care of our soul in 
the long run, and we seem to think that enlightened teachings are somehow going 
to disappear all of a sudden.

Regarding Sthapatya Veda, did Buddha live in a Sthapatya Veda home?  What about 
MMY, Guru Dev, Alan Watts, Eckardt Tolle?  Or really....anyone who we consider 
highly evolved or enlightened?  I don't believe any of them did live in those 
types of homes.  

I'm not saying I think Sthapatya Veda is completely bogus.  It's just like 
training in martial arts.  If you're a top contender for a world title, then 
yes...a very carefully planned diet could make a difference between winning and 
losing.  But your diet is really only a small percentage of what it takes to 
win.  The first 99% is years of blood, sweat, tears, wins and losses, etc...  
It's not really until you get to a very high competitive level that something 
as minor as diet is going to start becoming important.  I think it's the same 
way with enlightenment.  If you're a really young soul, whether or not you live 
in a Sthapatya Ved home is not going to make you or break you in terms of 
spiritual growth (IMO).  You've still got the first 99% to complete.  


> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "salyavin808" <fintlewoodlewix@> 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Mike Dixon <mdixon.6569@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Placebo. Nice way to look at it. I always thought of it 
> > > > as the carrot and the stick. M always needed a way to 
> > > > keep people interested in the movement and gaining 
> > > > enlightenment. At first it was the 5-8 year plan, then 
> > > > rounding courses, then age of enlightenment courses, 
> > > > then Sidhis, then ayurveda, jyotish,yagyas and then 
> > > > he says * if I had this knowledge(SV) we would be 
> > > > through.* He always found a way to keep the TBs 
> > > > thinking *it* was just around the corner. The Gita 
> > > > clearly says *only after many life times of this 
> > > > practice does one come to Me*. Of course ,that was 
> > > > explained away as *Life times* just meant, each time 
> > > > you transcended. Why wouldn't Krishna have put it 
> > > > that way in the first place? One story in one of the 
> > > > Upanishads tells of a Devotee of a great Guru who 
> > > > asked *how many more life times will it take for me 
> > > > to become enlightened?* The master said as many births 
> > > > as there are on that tree, pointing to an enormous 
> > > > banyan tree with tens of thousands of leaves. The 
> > > > devotee felt enormous relief knowing his births 
> > > > could be counted.
> > > 
> > > The last thing Marshy wanted people to change that, 
> > > apparently, was holding back the glorious day of 
> > > personal enlightenment, was exposure to electromagnetic 
> > > fields. A purusha friend of mine at Vlodrop was even 
> > > carrying around an electric field meter everywhere he 
> > > went to see what "damage" it was doing to himself and 
> > > everyone else. 
> > > 
> > > Mobile and wireless phones, wi-fi, and that nasty AC 
> > > current is all that's keeping us back now. Basically 
> > > you need to live in a cave.
> > 
> > I honestly don't know which is sadder -- Maharishi 
> > coming up with reason after reason after reason for
> > why people weren't enlightened yet (rather than just
> > saying, "I was wrong...the techniques I made up don't
> > work"), or people continuing to believe the "reasons." 
> > 
> > I have to believe that the biggest part of the problem
> > is not Maharishi per se but the whole paradigm of 
> > spiritual practice he learned and then passed along --
> > "selling futures." Everything was always about how
> > glorious things would be, at some unspecified point
> > in the future (*always* in the future) when you would
> > finally be enlightened, or everyone would finally be
> > enlightened. 
> > 
> > I know thousands of people -- not only in the TM move-
> > ment but in others -- whose whole adult lifetimes have
> > revolved around living for a future goal that they have
> > never once seen the existence of conclusively demonstrated.
> > They were only told *about* it, by someone they trusted,
> > and that trust was enough to keep them practicing tech-
> > niques that in many cases they did not enjoy, or pursuing
> > lifestyle choices (like celibacy) that they did not enjoy,
> > or shelling out thousands and thousands (if not millions,
> > in the case of the Rajas) of dollars to the person who
> > kept promising them this golden future that never seemed
> > to arrive. 
> > 
> > Religions and spiritual practices promise glorious futures
> > because they don't have glorious presents to offer. The
> > techniques they sell may help to reduce stress and enable
> > one to feel a little better on a day-to-day basis, but
> > the carrot is still way out there at the end of a long
> > stick that keeps getting longer and longer and longer
> > with every passing day. And yet people keep chasing it.
> > 
> > I personally don't see any difference between a lifelong
> > pursuit of the promise of enlightenment and the Judeo-
> > Christian pursuit of a rosy afterlife in Heaven. Heaven
> > in heaven, Heaven on earth -- same sales pitch. "Just give
> > us your money and keep doing what we told you to do and
> > everything will be fine." Meanwhile they've spent so many
> > years focused on an imagined future that they can no 
> > longer enjoy the present moment. 
> > 
> > I'm thankful that I bailed before things got *really*
> > crazy in the TMO. When I bailed the future being sold
> > was personal enlightenment, with barely a hint of global
> > enlightenment. But soon after came the really crazy 
> > shit -- ayurveda, Chopra, S-V, "million dollar courses,"
> > "immortality courses," "Vedaland," being herded into
> > domes like the Eloi in H.G. Wells' "The Time Machine,"
> > fear of South-facing entrances, fear of "seeing other
> > teachers," fear of "negativity," fear, fear, fear. 
> > 
> > And all of them distractions to keep people from think-
> > ing about whether *any* of the things promised to them
> > had ever appeared. 
> > 
> > Looking back on it all, I really don't hold any anger
> > towards anyone or try to affix blame on anyone or any
> > group for all this, just sadness. It was what it was, 
> > that's all. The whole show was just the result of the 
> > spiritual paradigm in place at the basis of everything 
> > -- "Trust in what we have told you about the rosy future
> > in store for you. Pay no attention to that man behind 
> > the curtain, unless he demands money and tells you that
> > the world will end unless you provide it. Then give, 
> > give, give, give, for he is to be trusted." 
> > 
> > Yeah, right.
> > 
> > > > ________________________________
> > > >  From: Michael Jackson <mjackson74@>
> > > > To: "FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> 
> > > > Sent: Friday, December 14, 2012 3:53 PM
> > > > Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Sthapatya Veda is just a Placebo Effect
> > > >    
> > > > I can't argue with any of that!
> > > > 
> > > > ________________________________
> > > >  From: allanrosenzweig <allanrosenzweig@>
> > > > To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> > > > Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 4:14 PM
> > > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Sthapatya Veda is just a Placebo Effect
> > > >    
> > > > It is sorry to see people in Skelmersdale working to make a whole new 
> > > > Sthapatya-vedic village, wasting all the effort to build a community, 
> > > > including a Golden Dome, with the idea that much good will come of it.  
> > > > We all want to believe that Maharishi is 100% correct.  But we have 
> > > > also seen Veda Land fail, Deepak Chopra going off on his own, tallest 
> > > > building in the world in the center of India, and other failed projects 
> > > > and mistakes.  We tend to forget about these. He does not have to be 
> > > > 100% correct to be the wisest man on Earth.  90%, or even 80%, is still 
> > > > WAY above everyone else.  If the Brits are looking to Fairfield Iowa as 
> > > > an example of SV "success" think again.  Telegroup was doing fine, as 
> > > > one of the top 1% of American businesses, until they established their 
> > > > headquarters in a new SV building.  They not only did NOT succeed, they 
> > > > started going  bankrupt.  Telegroup went from hiring over 400 
> > > > employees, to hiring zero - even though it is in an
> > > >  industry that has flourished, telecommunications. Same with Global 
> > > > Link, and other companies in Fairfield that put their faith in SV.  MUM 
> > > > tore down about 15 "pod" dormitories that were in good shape because 
> > > > the were not SV.  They had to have a fund raiser to tear them down.  
> > > > There was no massive influx of students - mainly visa seeking foreign 
> > > > students who don't seem to really care about the meditation.  There is 
> > > > not enough housing, so many have to live off campus, and tend to be 
> > > > less on the program.  It would have been better to keep the pods, and 
> > > > get the revenue for the rooms for the students. There is not enough 
> > > > money to build replacement housing.  There are just empty fields there. 
> > > >  If something is going to work, it will show results.  We have given SV 
> > > > about 20 years to show that it works.  There is not a single scientific 
> > > > article published about it, much less its success.   People would have 
> > > > noticed, in thousands of years, if facing east really
> > > >  brought success or if south did not.  When does the Sun go from being 
> > > > good at sunrise in the east to being bad around noon in the south?  The 
> > > > whole sun-based "logic" is not internally consistent.  SV is just a 
> > > > placebo effect.  If you think it works, it does.  If you don't think it 
> > > > works, you are also right.  Skelmersdale, save your time and money.  
> > > > Build on what you have already achieved.  Maharishi's TM, TM-Sidhis 
> > > > Program, and Super Radiance do work, and have scientific research 
> > > > behind them. Sadly SV does not work.  We should face the truth and 
> > > > judge knowledge by its fruits.   --- In 
> > > > mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson <mjackson74@> 
> > > > wrote: > > Quite simply you don't know what you are talking about - as 
> > > > to feng shui, even a cursory examination of the multitude of feng shui 
> > > > resources will show that in feng shui south facing entrances can be 
> > > > quite positive. There are many different kinds of feng shui and most 
> > > > practitioners (unlike
> > > >  Maha) don't claim to have revitalized and rejuvenated and brought 
> > > > forth the real deal of truth out of an ancient practice.  >  > Someone 
> > > > told Maharishi early on that feng shui had good things to say about a 
> > > > south facing entrance and thus in classic Mahastyle he bad mouthed all 
> > > > south facing entrances to distinguish MAHARISHI sthapatya veda from 
> > > > feng shui, really hamming it up as to how much woe and bad fortune 
> > > > would accrue if you don't get a MAHARISHI vastu veda design. And he did 
> > > > this to frighten people into using only HIS brand of architecture to, 
> > > > of course increase his revenue. >  > As I have stated here before, if 
> > > > one looks at other vastu veda web sites that are not connected to the 
> > > > Movement, you will see that most of them address the issue of south 
> > > > facing entrances by saying that there are some (unnamed) people who 
> > > > claim an east facing entrance is the only one that is viable and 
> > > > acceptable and that this assertion in not true in all circumstances.
> > > >  These are people who have been studying and practicing vastu veda far 
> > > > longer than Big M ever did.  >  > Maha didn't contribute a damn thing 
> > > > to vastu veda except to treat it like all the Hindu/Vedic stuff he 
> > > > promoted over the years, tried to make out like he was the one who 
> > > > either invented it or revitalized it and brought it back into its full 
> > > > glory.  >  >  >  >  > ________________________________ >  From: wgm4u 
> > > > <mailto:no_reply%40yahoogroups.com> > To: 
> > > > mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com  > Sent: Saturday, December 8, 
> > > > 2012 7:36 PM > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: !Progress in the Fairfield 
> > > > Dome Meditation Numbers! >  >  >    > Maharishi's contribution to 
> > > > the field of architecture via vedic vastu is truly valuable, but like 
> > > > everything in the tmorg it becomes a panacea for all of the worlds woes 
> > > > which is nonsense and a hyperbole. >  > Clearly East facing facades are 
> > > > superior, even in Feng Shui (Chinese architecture) this is true. >  > 
> > > > --- In
> > > >  mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson <mjackson74@> 
> > > > wrote: > > > > Thank you for telling me this although my question was 
> > > > to Anne about the idea that a Master wouldn't incarnate in a female 
> > > > body, which of course is horse shit - actually not even as good as 
> > > > horse shit cuz you can use horse shit as compost which helps things 
> > > > grow if used properly > >  > > On another note, I don't think the 
> > > > Movements best foot these days is TM sidhis - it has to be vastu veda - 
> > > > I can't wait for everyone to begin to rebuild there homes and offices 
> > > > to have the proper vastus - I intend to hover over the line of taxis to 
> > > > see the construction efforts, the line of taxis carrying all the 
> > > > re-certified governors to the mountains to escape the millions of 
> > > > people who are clamoring to be initiated. > >  > >  > >  > >  > > 
> > > > ________________________________ > >  From: Buck > > To: 
> > > > mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com  > > Sent: Friday, November 30,
> > > >  2012 5:03 PM > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: !Progress in the 
> > > > Fairfield Dome Meditation Numbers! > >  > >  > >    > >  > >  > 
> > > > > --- In mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson 
> > > > <mjackson74@> wrote: > > > > > > what kind of readings do you get that 
> > > > tell you that? > > >  > > > > >  > > Jack, in the meditating community 
> > > > you only need to contribute money to the right places to get on the 
> > > > right mailing lists.  The only thing is that I have to re-write these 
> > > > releases they send to me to make them much less antagonizing and more 
> > > > palatable for folks to read as I do 'forward' them on to people to 
> > > > read.  As our movement 'development' apparatchiks write copy what comes 
> > > > out of their offices is TM-sidhis  "yogic flying" this and TM-sidhis 
> > > > "yogic flying" that.  If they did some honest market research and focus 
> > > > groups they would know that most folks here identify as 'meditators' 
> > > > and are not interested in "Yogic Flying" anymore and are in fact
> > > >  antagonized by putting "yogic flying" forward as our best foot.  These 
> > > > releases read better re-written substituting "meditator" and 
> > > > "meditation" for TM-sidhis "yogic flyer" and  "yogic flying". > > -Buck 
> > > > in the Dome > >  > > >  > > >  > > > ________________________________ > 
> > > > > >  From: awoelflebater <mailto:no_reply%40yahoogroups.com> > > > To: 
> > > > mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com  > > > Sent: Thursday, November 
> > > > 29, 2012 11:17 PM > > > Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: !Progress in the 
> > > > Fairfield Dome Meditation Numbers! > > >  > > >  > > > 
> > > > ÃÆ'‚   > > >  > > >  > > > --- In 
> > > > mailto:FairfieldLife%40yahoogroups.com, "Buck" wrote: > > > > > > > > 
> > > > To our dear Meditating Movement family, > > > >  > > > > The Vedic 
> > > > Pandits are finally coming ÃÆ'¢â‚¬"not just the 
> > > > original 556 but a total of 600! > > > >  > > > > With the addition of 
> > > > this group of Pandits, we will achieve a stable Super Radiance group of 
> > > > 2,000 meditating to create
> > > >  Invincibility for America, a goal we have all worked towards for 30 
> > > > years. > > > >  > > > > -Buck > > >  > > > Buck, do me a favour, and I 
> > > > am dead serious here, let me know what invincibility for America looks 
> > > > like when it happens. I am so dense I might just miss it. Oh, and while 
> > > > you're at it maybe you could point out Maitreya if you happen to 
> > > > stumble on him/her (I think it is a him though, because somehow women 
> > > > aren't yet qualified, according to my readings, to embody such a 
> > > > powerful Supreme Master within their more delicate physiques.) > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

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