Ok, some more jyotish tidbits:  I've heard that Jupiter or Venus in the 9th 
takes care of all problems in the chart.  BTW, the FFL chart has Venus in the 
9th in Cancer.

Of course for us Ketu in the first means Rahu in the 7th which would probably 
mean first marriage ends in divorce.  And mine did!  But actually my Rahu is 
good in marriage sub chart so it might have been hubby's kuja dosha.  He had 
Mars in first, major kuja dosha.

Yeah, religion's a mixed bag for sure.  Maybe was more useful for other times 
and places.  Also there's the idea that the flame burns brightest right before 
it goes out.  Which means in this context, that maybe the religions get most 
fierce right before they morph completely or die out forever.

 From: seekliberation <seekliberat...@yahoo.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 10:58 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sthapatya Veda is just a Placebo Effect to 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> me too, seekliberation, 3 planets in the 9th, Sun, Merc, Venus with Merc and 
> Venus being exactly conjunct.  Merc is ruler of 9th and 12th and Venus is 
> ruler of 8th and 1st.  Ketu is in the first.

You have ketu in the first, and 3 planets in the 9th?  We're nearly identical.  
I have Ketu in the 1st, with Saturn, and Sun/Me/Jup in the 9th.  Ketu in the 
first is kind of difficult (in a material sense) but great for spirituality.

> One thing I've heard about all this is that people with a strong Sun and or 
> strong 9th house tend to be their own guru.  I think this is true.
> Another thing I've heard is that actually the soul as if chooses the birth 
> chart etc for maximum evolution.  This also resonates as true to me.  
> Some Latter Day Saints once came knocking at the front door.  I warned them 
> about my being a TMer.  They glanced at each other nervously and asked if I 
> knew that the Bible says that TM is the work of the devil.  Eventually I had 
> to explain to them that though I didn't know for sure, what I had experienced 
> was enough for me to take a chance that I was on the right track for me.  
> They said goodbye (-:

You know, I get irritated at some of the recent attacks on Christmas and what 
appears to be a movement in America to remove any trace of Christianity from 
our lives.  But when I hear stories like this....I lose sympathy for 
Christians.  The simple-mindedness of Christianity, IMO, has been very 
detrimental to spirituality for the past few centuries.  Islam, IMO takes the 
gold medal though. 


> ________________________________
>  From: seekliberation <seekliberation@...>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2012 10:24 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sthapatya Veda is just a Placebo Effect
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@> wrote:
> > Either we're talking past each other or you don't read what is written 
> > properly. I was mentioning 500 years as an example of how long you could 
> > linger on the other side WITHOUT a body and thus without the possebility to 
> > think your mantra. That's quite a long time though probably above average. 
> > And that's why there should be a certain ugency in this matter since noone 
> > really knows for sure how long it will take to be back in a body and be 
> > able to resume Sadhana.
> I had a longer reply written, then erased it all....it's futile.  You're 
> convinced you're in direct control of your spirituality, while I think that 
> divinity has a plan for us all in the midst of our individual efforts.  When 
> I studied astrology, this is explained in terms of the difference between the 
> 8th and 9th house.  They both result in people being spiritual, but the 8th 
> house leans more towards spirituality, while 9th house leans more towards 
> religion.  The 8th house indicates spiritual development through one's own 
> initiative, while the 9th house more so through revelation.  An example of an 
> 8th house type of person would be Sanjaya in the Bhagavad Gita, someone who 
> is psychic and achieves spiritual realizations through his own efforts.  Then 
> you have Arjuna, who has no significant or indicated spiritual practice, but 
> has reality revealed directly to him directly by God.  In other words, 
> individual effort vs revelation. 
> However, i've heard that the 12th house is the only one that really gets us 
> out of this cycle of birth and death, and it also has a slightly different 
> approach to the subject of spirituality.  Ketu, is also imperative in terms 
> of its placement in the chart for enlightenment.  Given the fact that we 
> don't have absolute control over the position of the planets at the time of 
> birth, that's enough for me to look at meditation and spirituality as 
> something I do because its my nature, not because I think i'm going to save 
> the world or my own sould if I just 'hurry up' or 'try harder'.  But then 
> again, I have 3 planets in the 9th house, and only 1 in the 8th, so that's 
> probably why I lean that way, not because it's the absolute truth...which I 
> also can't say I really know.
> seekliberation


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