--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Share Long <sharelong60@...> wrote:
> me too, seekliberation, 3 planets in the 9th, Sun, Merc, Venus with Merc and 
> Venus being exactly conjunct.  Merc is ruler of 9th and 12th and Venus is 
> ruler of 8th and 1st.  Ketu is in the first.

You have ketu in the first, and 3 planets in the 9th?  We're nearly identical.  
I have Ketu in the 1st, with Saturn, and Sun/Me/Jup in the 9th.  Ketu in the 
first is kind of difficult (in a material sense) but great for spirituality.
> One thing I've heard about all this is that people with a strong Sun and or 
> strong 9th house tend to be their own guru.  I think this is true.
> Another thing I've heard is that actually the soul as if chooses the birth 
> chart etc for maximum evolution.  This also resonates as true to me.  
> Some Latter Day Saints once came knocking at the front door.  I warned them 
> about my being a TMer.  They glanced at each other nervously and asked if I 
> knew that the Bible says that TM is the work of the devil.  Eventually I had 
> to explain to them that though I didn't know for sure, what I had experienced 
> was enough for me to take a chance that I was on the right track for me.  
> They said goodbye (-:

You know, I get irritated at some of the recent attacks on Christmas and what 
appears to be a movement in America to remove any trace of Christianity from 
our lives.  But when I hear stories like this....I lose sympathy for 
Christians.  The simple-mindedness of Christianity, IMO, has been very 
detrimental to spirituality for the past few centuries.  Islam, IMO takes the 
gold medal though.  


> ________________________________
>  From: seekliberation <seekliberation@...>
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2012 10:24 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sthapatya Veda is just a Placebo Effect
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@> wrote:
> > Either we're talking past each other or you don't read what is written 
> > properly. I was mentioning 500 years as an example of how long you could 
> > linger on the other side WITHOUT a body and thus without the possebility to 
> > think your mantra. That's quite a long time though probably above average. 
> > And that's why there should be a certain ugency in this matter since noone 
> > really knows for sure how long it will take to be back in a body and be 
> > able to resume Sadhana.
> I had a longer reply written, then erased it all....it's futile.  You're 
> convinced you're in direct control of your spirituality, while I think that 
> divinity has a plan for us all in the midst of our individual efforts.  When 
> I studied astrology, this is explained in terms of the difference between the 
> 8th and 9th house.  They both result in people being spiritual, but the 8th 
> house leans more towards spirituality, while 9th house leans more towards 
> religion.  The 8th house indicates spiritual development through one's own 
> initiative, while the 9th house more so through revelation.  An example of an 
> 8th house type of person would be Sanjaya in the Bhagavad Gita, someone who 
> is psychic and achieves spiritual realizations through his own efforts.  Then 
> you have Arjuna, who has no significant or indicated spiritual practice, but 
> has reality revealed directly to him directly by God.  In other words, 
> individual effort vs revelation. 
> However, i've heard that the 12th house is the only one that really gets us 
> out of this cycle of birth and death, and it also has a slightly different 
> approach to the subject of spirituality.  Ketu, is also imperative in terms 
> of its placement in the chart for enlightenment.  Given the fact that we 
> don't have absolute control over the position of the planets at the time of 
> birth, that's enough for me to look at meditation and spirituality as 
> something I do because its my nature, not because I think i'm going to save 
> the world or my own sould if I just 'hurry up' or 'try harder'.  But then 
> again, I have 3 planets in the 9th house, and only 1 in the 8th, so that's 
> probably why I lean that way, not because it's the absolute truth...which I 
> also can't say I really know.
> seekliberation

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