--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, nablusoss1008 <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Michael Jackson <mjackson74@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Got kicked out in July of 1987 
> > 
> > Since you are all for openness I'm sure you would like to 
> > share with us exactly why you got kicked out ?
> Save your last post of the week for something more
> worthy than Nabby, Michael. He's just acting out *his*
> biggest fear, that someone in the TMO will learn his 
> name and validate what we've all suspected here on FFL
> for years. That is, that if there is anyone on this 
> forum who wouldn't have been allowed within 100 yards 
> of Maharishi when he was alive and who still wouldn't 
> be allowed within a similar distance of any real TM 
> facility, it's HIM. 
> This is *his* greatest fear that he's acting out by
> projecting it onto others (as he has done with me in 
> the past). He's terrified 1) that people will learn 
> how exactly persona non grata he is, and 2) that 
> they'll learn how torn up about it he is -- *still*,
> all these years later. 
> Try to IMAGINE someone so pathetic that, for him, the 
> worst thing he can possibly imagine is being "thrown 
> out" of an organization as low-rent as the TMO. For 
> most people, that would be a badge of honor; for Nabby, 
> it is the thing he fears the most being revealed
> about him. 
> After all, if Nabby had actually been being truthful
> about the regard he holds Maharishi and the TM movement
> in, the question one has to ask oneself is, "Why isn't
> *he* 'in the domes'?" At least *somewhere*. During the
> time he's been posting here, there have been several
> big get-togethers in Vlodrop and in other locations
> close to him in Europe, and he's never mentioned a 
> word about going to any of them. Why would that be?
> My bet is that he wouldn't be *allowed* to attend. 
> Lashing out at those who left the TM movement of their
> own volition is his twisted way of being angry about
> having been chased off as an "undesirable" himself.
> NOW let's see who rises to the bait, eh?  :-)

Now THAT prediction is likely to be just as accurate as your "take" on how you 
theorized Robin felt about me during all that time I was first posting here. 
You blabbering away and all the time you were utterly and completely wrong. Not 
only wrong but gleefully reveling in your mistaken notion that someone (me) was 
devastated and feeling neglected by my "former cult leader". What's your theory 
on why you always come up with wildly inaccurate ideas like this that you feel 
compelled to express? Is it some sort of not-so-latent masochistic tendency? Or 
worse, do you actually believe them?

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