This is worth commenting on, if for no other reason 
than it exemplifies another of the hallmark symptoms
of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

One of the things that NPD individuals are known for
is their competitiveness, and their *need* to "win,"
at least in their own minds. So what they do is to
glom onto what they think is the "ultimate argument"
in favor of their all-important subjective view, and
then repeat it ad nauseum, *demanding* that people
respond to it. They're looking for the "win," and
can't *get past* this argument they think is so
devastating and convincing. 

In this case, how many times has Judy trotted out
this trollbait now -- six or seven times? She just
can't let it go. She's literally HAVING AN 
has felt that it was worth their time dealing with
or respond to, especially the person she is still 
up at 2:00 a.m. in the morning trying to "defeat." 

But to her -- lost in an NPD inner world inside
her mind -- it's a real argument. And she's "winning,"
whether anyone ever responds to it or not. Classic

The thing is, it's even a *meaningless* argument. 
WHAT DOES IT MATTER what someone else said 
on this subject, or who said it?

Like many NPD sufferers, Judy is big on trotting out
some supposed "expert witness" (usually herself, 
and usually in cases where she has no direct exper-
ience with the subject she's declaring the "truth"
of), and feeling that this "settles things," and
is the Last Word on the subject. 

Who CARES who said this? It was probably Curtis,
because it's funny, and clearly partly tongue in
cheek. But if had been said by a Supreme Court 
Justice in a legal ruling, it *still* wouldn't
have any bearing on how I or anyone else views
Robin Carlsen, and judges him either harshly or
compassionately. We're adults, and get to make up
our *own* minds about such things.

Yet she'll keep harping on this "ultimate argument,"
trying to get someone -- anyone -- to respond to
it so that she can DECLARE VICTORY. 

How sad for her. Now we know why she lives alone
in New Jersey and is up this late still trying 
desperately to "win" an argument on the Internet.
As has been quipped, doing that is in itself a
lot like competing in the Special Olympics -- you
may win a medal, but you're still retarded. 

Judy will undoubtedly DECLARE VICTORY over this
imagined ultimate thrust in a swordfight that is
going on only in her own mind. Let us all hope
for her sake that her imagined "win" will allow 
her to finally get some sleep. 

--- In, "authfriend" <authfriend@...> wrote:
> Barry has made it clear that he thinks anyone who 
> didn't find Robin's having struck his students a
> Very Bad Thing was a "die-hard cultist," and he
> has claimed that Robin's supporters were such
> cultists because we had tried to defend Robin's
> hitting behavior.
> Contrary to Barry's claim, only one person on
> FFL, in fact, has done that. Now, who could
> that be?
> Here's what this Mystery Cultist said to Robin
> the morning after Robin posted his Open Letter
> in January 2012 (it's from the ninth paragraph
> of the post). I asked Barry whether he could
> identify the Cultist from the quote:
> "There is plenty of compassion here for weird shit we
> all did in our past and this doesn't sound like such a
> big deal. There were a whole bunch of weird psychological
> 'breakthrough' cults that seem to be far worse than what
> you were running back then. If you weren't banging your
> disciples ten deep in Elvis' Graceland white panty
> parties, you come off as better than most people in your
> position of power over the entranced."
> Barry hasn't said who he thinks the Mystery
> Cultist is. Either he really has no idea--which
> is strange, since he's so obsessed with the folks
> on FFL he thinks are cultists--or for some reason
> he's reluctant to say who it is.
> I suspect it's the latter, myself.
> Take a guess. Then check out this link to the post
> in question and see whether you agree with me that
> Barry would *really* prefer that the Mystery Cultist
> remain anonymous:
> When I first posted this quote Thursday evening, BTW,
> I predicted that we would hear no more fulminating
> from Barry about "cultists" doing any "justifying" in
> connection with Robin's Open Letter.
> I was right.
> I'm going to make one more post--a repost of Robin's
> Open Letter itself--then I think this particular
> kerfuffle will be all wrapped up, and Barry will have
> to think of a new one.

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