To be a little more specific, if I may: Curtis pretended to be "comfortable" 
with who he was, as Barry puts it. But that was a carefully constructed facade, 
and it took very little in the way of chipping to expose the real Curtis 
underneath. Anyone who ever tangled with Curtis discovered this.

 Curtis was "comfortable" with who he was as long as he didn't feel challenged. 
When he was feeling challenged, it was a very different story: his entire being 
became totally focused on defending himself and annihilating his challenger, 
using whatever means he could, no matter how duplicitous, including flat-out 
Curtis was not a nice guy, and while he fooled quite a few people, I was hardly 
the only person on FFL to see through his act.



---In, <> wrote:

 I like Curtis, but I found him to be emotionally duplicitous - that means 
acting one way, while feeling another. Its a gut thing, Barry, so I cannot 
explain it further. Except to say that Curtis is not unique in that regard, and 
I show no prejudice, personally, towards him, as I avoid all of those who are 
ignorant of their true natures, equally. 

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