Really fine post, Michael, very thoughtful.

 Based on what I've read, I'm not sure enlightenment experiences are always a 
choice, at least not on a conscious level. I don't know how much you've read of 
what Robin posted here, but he may be a case in point. From his accounts, while 
he certainly wanted to become enlightened, when it happened it was completely 
unexpected and not at all under his control. And it lasted for more than 10 

 You write, "But most of those who have 'higher states of consciousness' cycle 
from those kinds of experiences into egoic focus that includes often enough the 
idea that since everything is a play of awareness, it doesn't make a tinker's 
damn what they do with and to people, cuz its just all consciousness playing 
around. No rules, no standard of conduct..." Robin's experience was that his 
actions were, as it were, dictated by cosmic forces, rather than that he could 
just do whatever he felt like. His experience was that he could not do other 
than what he did, even though at times there was some aspect of himself that 
didn't want to do what he was doing.

 So in his case it wasn't a matter of "egoic focus" in the usual sense, 
although that seems to have been what it looked like from the outside, 
especially toward the end of his cult-leader period.

 What's unusual about Robin is that after his group crashed and burned and he 
was disgraced, he realized something was very wrong with his enlightenment, and 
he set out to get himself back to normal consciousness. It took him 25 years of 
constant, grueling, agonizing effort. And he came to believe that enlightenment 
was a snare and a delusion, masterminded by forces inimical to the welfare of 
human beings. In his case, he believes, these forces took advantage of what he 
calls his "secret infirmities," negative character traits, first to instigate 
his enlightenment, and then to bring him down.

 He never thought, and doesn't to this day, that Maharishi was a con man. He 
believes Maharishi was himself conned by these same forces.

 I'm struck by how closely your analysis tracks in many respects with Robin's.



Not having known or having had any experience with Rama, I can only go by his 
recorded history - he certainly was known to have "acted out" - he apparently 
abused and misused his position as teacher, he was a serial womanizer, and 
maybe took people to the cleaners - although some seemed to feel that their 
money was well spent with him, regardless of his enormities. 
 I acknowledge his shortcomings, and the fact that some like Barry had some 
powerful experiences with him. I am having some degree of energy experience 
from reading Barry's account.
 I view Amma as a huckster, but I don't deny people have pleasant and powerful 
experiences with her.
 I view M as a huckster, but the one time I saw him in person, I had what 
stands today as one of the most powerful, amazing experiences of energy of my 
 Same with other teachers like Muktananda - they could spark energy in other 
people, sometimes big time Energy, but they were or are ego-centered and 
screwed up in a lot of ways that lead to the people around them getting screwed 
in different ways. Chuck Anderson who was also known as Master Teacher of the 
Endeavor Academy falls into that category. 
 Bottom line for me is that all this has taught me the definition of 
enlightenment M gave out is flawed if not downright incorrect, and yes that 
includes the source material of the vedas which I feel was the pontifications 
of a bunch of guys roaming around in the forest who said "Huh! This is my 
reality so I am going to tell everyone it THEIR reality too, and if they don't 
get on board with it, they are missing the boat."
 I feel the Universe has nearly infinite if not infinite experiences we can all 
have, and the so-called higher states of awareness or enlightened perception, 
including all the celestial perception stuff is just another experience among a 
plethora of experiences.
 I think that if one chooses one can create an experience, a persona that is 
real moral, always sativcc, always unperturbed, sort of like the historical 
Buddha was supposed to have been. But most of those who have "higher states of 
consciousness" cycle from those kinds of experiences into egoic focus that 
includes often enough the idea that since everything is a play of awareness, it 
doesn't make a tinker's damn what they do with and to people, cuz its just all 
consciousness playing around. No rules, no standard of conduct, these are the 
ones like Muktananda, Maharishi and Rama who go off the deep end of ego and 
screw things up.
 I acknowledge the power, the depth of silence and vibrations of the infinite 
that course through these people and I acknowledge the screwed up behavior.
 For whatever reason there was a vibration of infinite energy that Rama tapped 
into and was an exponent of that communicated itself to Barry and I get to feel 
it through Barry's writing. I am enjoying it and we'll see where it leads, if 
 I would kinda like to think that having such an experience was what FFL was 
really created for to begin with.
 And that is what I think of that. 
 On Fri, 1/17/14, Richard Williams <punditster@... mailto:punditster@...> wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostasy, is a terrible thing.
 To: "Richard J. Williams" <>
 Date: Friday, January 17, 2014, 1:55 PM
 Well, I thought fer sure
 you'd say that Rama was a con man and a fake and had
 sexual relations with his students, like you said about MMY.
 Maybe you've changed your mind about that. It looks like
 you've changed your mind about the
 bun-hopping-levitation too. 
 From what I've read, Rama left several
 million dollars, most of that given to him by his students
 to support his extravagant lifestyle. Barry probably gave
 Rama over $10,000 to be able to go see a movie with Rama.
 So, I wonder what that has taught Barry about giving money
 to people for spiritual instruction. What happened to all
 the money?
 So, how much does it cost to fly Rama over to
 Paris and put him up in a four-star hotel for a few days?
 Barry's part of the donation probably cost him close to
 $5,000. That's a lot of money to just spend just to be
 able be with your teacher at Disneyland. Go figure.
 On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at
 12:40 PM, Michael Jackson <mjackson74@... mailto:mjackson74@...>
 I changed my day so I could delve into what you had
 written - I have gone through a lot of it and it answers
 most of my questions. Mainly I wanted to know if you thought
 Rama was legit in the beginning and if you witnessed any of
 the power or sidhi demonstrations he did. Obviously yes to
 I had a hard time reading much of it because I began to feel
 a great deal of energy as soon as I started reading, I mean
 LOTS of energy. So I am taking the reading in stages. Read a
 little. Sweep my floors a little, clean the bathrooms, come
 down off the energy a little and read a little more. 
 Two minor questions I have are:
 Did you know this guy? Mark Laxer
 Have you ever read his book Take Me for a Ride: Coming of
 Age in a Destructive Cult Paperback?
 If so is it accurate?
 That's all - back to the energy now and thanks for
 talking and thanks for writing about Rama and all the other
 things you wrote about.
 On Thu, 1/16/14, Michael Jackson <mjackson74@... mailto:mjackson74@...>
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostasy, is a terrible
 Date: Thursday, January 16, 2014, 4:02 PM
 Thanks Barry - I am gonna read what you have
 written and if I have any questions after that, I'll
 send 'em. 
 Got a busy day today, but I intend to start reading it
 On Thu, 1/16/14, TurquoiseB <turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@...>
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Apostasy, is a terrible
 Date: Thursday, January 16, 2014, 8:21 AM
 --- In,
 Michael Jackson 
 > I would like to have a conversation with you about
 time with Rama if you are willing. I am more than happy
 do it privately if you like cause I know some on here are
 going to revile you no matter what you say. So can we
 I don't mind, as long as you
 understand a few things at the outset. First, I rarely
 think about the dude any more, except when something
 triggers a memory, as something you said in one of your
 posts did yesterday. Second, I don't waste my time
 either condemning or defending him -- he was what he was,
 and I don't much care what anyone thinks about him. 
 Third, however, and as you say, if we do it here you can
 expect a lot of "piling on" from stalkers here.
 They'll do it for various reasons. Some will start
 piling on when they hear tales of thousands of his
 witnessing siddhis they've *still* only read about,
 after 30 years of pursuing them and after paying
 of dollars to supposedly learn them. Some will pile on
 because they don't like me, and they mistakenly
 that if they diss a former teacher I still have some
 positive feelings about, it'll push my hot buttons
 same way me saying things about MMY pushes theirs, and
 I'll react and get into one of the Robin-like
 "confrontations" with them they so hope for. 
 That's not gonna happen, so we might as well do it
 :-) But I'll warn you ahead of time that my attention
 span for "things Rama-related" is pretty damned
 short these days, so if you have questions, make the
 few "count," because at some point I'll get
 tired of the whole thing and bail. :-)
 That said, ask anything you want, and I'll do my best
 answer your questions as honestly as I wrote "Road
 Mind." That would be a good place to start if you
 actually curious about the dude. I wrote it to get the
 Rama-monkey off my back, and it worked. I don't
 have a great deal more to say about the guy than I said
 that book. 

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