Ann wrote:


 Here is how I see it, in a nutshell. Empty can only interpret what Robin's 
experience was or wasn't based on his book learning or his own interpretation 
of book learning and teachers who 'told him so'. Robin had an experience and he 
has analyzed what that actually was, based on his time within the experience 
and his struggles and chronology getting 'free' of it. He alone truly knows 
what he has discovered in his long path toward separating himself from the 
influence of evil entities. Robin also knows himself to the degree to which he 
understands he is possessed of "infirmities" that would have allowed him to be 
vulnerable to that which is viewed as "enlightenment" by some. Robin was a 
victim of outside influences but his victimization was the result of inherent 
weaknesses within himself. Therefore, you can accuse Robin of conscious 
manipulation of others or being the author of dastardly deeds to the same 
degree that you can accuse a one-legged man of being too clumsy to dance the 


 Perfectly said, thank you.


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