Barry, get a grip. I'll post whatever the fuck I feel like posting. You aren't 
running things here, and you're looking increasingly pathetic. A chronically 
enraged, obsessed old man. We can almost see the spit dribbling out of the 
corners of your mouth as you hallucinate and pound away on the keyboard. Even 
Buck thinks you're ridiculous. You're so out of it your "ripostes" just confirm 
what you're riposting to.

<< Oh, you left out yourself, Barry.  
 I presume this was one of those examples of "creative writing" that you claim 
you've posted many of to this forum, eh?  :-)

Put up or shut up. Post the links to the posts of yours you consider creative, 
or just go back to posting insults and let those who *aren't* afraid to be 
creative from time to time do so. Pretending you're one of them just don't cut 

 > Do I have to use the "highlighter" again to point out what you *really* 
 > think of the people you're preaching to, "Buck?" The only people on this 
 > forum who consistently look down on others as much as you do are Nabby and 
 > Doctordumbass.>>

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