That was pretty basic and essential spirituality. Lurking and Listening in at 
some point ignorant folks just have to step up and improve themselves if they 
are really wanting to participate further beyond the introductory lecture. It 
is true in most any discussion and not everyone needs to participate in every 
open discussion though they can certainly listen and may be even learn 
something that was undefined for them before and that they had not known before 
as rank beginners. If you don't know something about something then everything 
is jargon as you enter in. Get over it. More than hoping to be spoon-fed take 
some initiative and read the footnotes for your own Self improvement so as to 
join in further intelligent conversation. In this case, stop being a sophist 
and actually meditate if you want to know spirituality. It is certainly not up 
to every spiritual person to do your own homework on this. You are just making 
stoopid busy-work here for the real spiritual people here otherwise with this 
semantic stuff of yours. Have a nice day, -Buck           

---In, <turquoiseb@...> wrote:

 --- In, wrote:
> Turq you were asking here for 'Spiritual' in common words; well yes anything 
> that reveals in experience the absolute bliss consciousness of the 
> transcendent in life. A transcendentalist. That is different from just common 
> dabbling spiritists or ideological religionists, philosophers or just a 
> classroom physicist. Have a nice meditation today, -Buck in the Dome

 The words highlighted in red above are ALL jargon and buzzwords that mean 
absolutely nothing to the person who has not 1) encountered them before, and/or 
2) gives them a different meaning than you do or the TMO does. 

In other words, you're still trying NOT to communicate. Don't you EVER get 
tired of being such an elitist? 

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