And if he did, people like Barry would be quick to point out that it didn't 
mean a thing and was just part of the scam, as Stevie says  (And heaven help 
the poor person who was said to "embody" enlightenment.)

 Barry's smart enough to know what a joke his demand is, but he thinks we're 
too stupid to realize it..

 > Now, wait. This sort of sounds like a set up. I say this because you have 
 > always been a proponent of the "these (supposed) states of consciousness are 
 > all subjective and can't be proven". So, why would such a declaration be 
 > important to you?

 It wouldn't be the least bit important to me. But you'd think it might be 
important to Maharishi (who sold this supposed state of consciousness for close 
to 50 years) to be able to point to even one of his students who embodied it. 
After all, if he didn't, people might begin to think that the sales pitch was a 
pile of crap. 

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