Is this the message you were looking for?  If so they may be a little 
confused over AT&T wanting to allow users to continue using "Classic 
Mail."  IOW, nothing to do with Groups.  BTW, to do a search AT&T  has
to be in quotes of the ampersand messes up the search.

--- In,  wrote:
> Great. I'm really curious.
>  I don't normally read, but I took a look after I saw some of
the complaints. It's worse than the Slate redesign, which up to now has
been the worst mess I've ever seen. Hard to believe anyone could look at
either of them and think, "Boy, this looks so snappy and inviting!" I
wouldn't even want to try to navigate And I thought the Salon
redesign a couple years ago was bad...
>  << I'll look but I had to go out for a business lunch that I just got
back from and didn't have much of a chance just to try more specific
searches on Google either. I tried one search that landed me in a post a
few month back.  I'll try it on my Windows machine which I just fired
>  Have you looked at  It's now worse than NEO. >>

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