On 2/9/2014 3:21 PM, awoelfleba...@yahoo.com wrote:
No one can stop bringing it up and talking about it and trying to use it to prove Robin actually disliked you and was serious.
So, nobody is taking Robin seriously when he threw Judy under the bus - it was just a trap message, a trick posting.

If Robin ever comes back to FFL he will have to answer for that trickery. We don't go in real big for that kind of fibbing on FFL - it's the mark of a real prick to troll here just to have some fun and put a joke over on us. It's also a pricky trick to post here and at the same time be sending private emails to Judy and Ann without telling us about it so that they can gang up on Barry and Curtis - it's a trick prick foul trap fib - that's what it was. Go figure.

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