Doc, I agree that all this stuff resides in the physiology and arises from 
there. But then I remember reading about saints who were in bliss but also 
great physical pain. Any thoughts about that? 

On Monday, February 24, 2014 1:02 PM, "" 
<> wrote:
Beliefs in limitations don't arise, unless the limitation is evident within 
oneself. Similarly, a belief in one's unlimited ability doesn't arise, unless 
the ability within oneself is present - latent, perhaps, but present.
So, although we all enjoy 'owning' our beliefs, even arguing for them, and 
thinking of them as choices we each make, they are really much more of a 
rationalized expression, of the state of our physiology.
However, as humans, we have this unique ability to set a conflict within 
ourselves, to believe in something, that in terms of everyday life, we cannot 
support. It is simply not possible - Not impossible, in terms of future 
achievement, but in terms of simply thinking it so, it is not possible for a 
belief to instantaneously override the physiology. 
That means, if, as this guy says, we believe in giving unconditional love, but 
we do not have the capacity, all we can offer is inner conflict, and why would 
you want to pass that on? Once the ability to offer unconditional love is 
there, it doesn't matter what our belief is, at all - we can only spread, and 
share it.
I find that humans are not as smart as we *think* we are - life, itself, serves 
as much better mirror, and teacher. :-)

---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote:

But Doc, is it conditioning that is preventing unconditional love. Or is it the 
belief that conditioning is preventing unconditional love that is the real 
PS I find David Deida to be a very profound thinker so I take to heart what he 

On Monday, February 24, 2014 8:20 AM, "doctordumbass@..." <doctordumbass@...> 

Who, then, is doing the unconditional loving, in those cases? It is a very 
strange thing to assert, since it is conditioning which prevents unconditional 
love, in the first place. Perhaps he is merely mentioning the old saw, to not 
wait for full enlightenment, to begin living a full life, and that is always 
good advice.

---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote:

Thanks, Ann. I tend to come from a perspective of psychological health is good. 
But I know one spritual teacher, David Deida, who though he thinks it's good 
too, also thinks that people can love unconditionally even if they're totally 

On Sunday, February 23, 2014 8:02 PM, "awoelflebater@..." <awoelflebater@...> 


---In, <sharelong60@...> wrote:

turq, I very much enjoy these statistics and understand what you are saying. 
However, I think the conclusions need to be a bit more nuanced. Because if a 
person thinks he or she is insignificant, then they will think other humans are
insignificant too. And that often leads to all kinds of problematic behavior. I 
think what's better is a healthy self regard which promotes growth in regard 
for others, indeed for all life.

I like this post, Share. I believe much of what you say here is true.

On Sunday, February 23, 2014 1:55 AM, "turquoiseb@..."
<turquoiseb@...> wrote:

A post for those who claim to value the Truth. Here it is. Now get over your 
puny self. 

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