--In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <punditster@...> wrote :

 On 5/2/2014 6:24 AM, Share Long wrote:

 And Richard, how can we possibly separate belief and practice completely? I 
don't think we can simply because we don't live our lives with our heads cut 
off from our bodies!
 We cannot possibly separate our beliefs completely, but what we can do is 
challenge anyone who tries to control our mind and body through coercion with 
false dichotomies. Everyone meditates and everyone is transcending, even 
without a technique. 
 So, after fifteen years of dialog  disparaging meditators on this and one 
other discussion group, it now comes out that Curtis and Barry are the True 
Believers - they meditate. So, what exactly was their argument against 

C: Even in my most enthusiastic presentations on cults when I first left TM I 
allowed that the practice itself my be beneficial for certain people. I do not 
believe that TM or any one meditation practice is good for ALL people. My 
disagreements with Maharishi revolve around his conclusions about what the 
experiences we have in meditation mean.

As far as the practice itself I don't accept the traditional belief structure 
as authoritative. I am advocating admitting that we don't know all about TM or 
other forms of meditation but that the field holds some interest for me after 
having taken an 18 year break from being interested in any meditation practice 
at all.

R: It's was all about Judy.

C: Speak for yourself! 
 R: MMY  has NOTHING to do with their transcending. It's that simple.

C: Not that simple since his framework for understanding my subjective 
meditation experiences was one that I embraced and then rejected. It continues 
to shape my perspective today and always will. But your assumptiveness in using 
the term "transcending" reveals a lot about your own beliefs around the 
practice. I would not use that term to describe how I think of my experiences 
in TM or with mindfulness meditation. the word is too loaded with assumptions 
to be useful in describing my own experience with them now.


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