Read what I wrote to Xeno. Ever consider that Nisargadatta may be WRONG? He was a simple man and maybe misused some words by conflating "awareness" with "being."

Tell us instead what you experience rather than being a spectator to some guru.

On 03/19/2015 12:27 PM, Duveyoung wrote:

Says you.

Nisargadatta's words, if true, disagree with your opinion. He clearly indicates that he see three levels of identity and that consciousness is the least of the three.

Consciousness cannot have a process it labels "awareness," but awareness is never dependent upon consciousness. Awareness is prior to the emergence of consciousness.

These are not EDG'S CONCLUSIONS...these are the statements of Advaita.

---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :

You can't have awareness without consciousness. Without being conscious there is nothing to be aware of.

    On 03/19/2015 11:19 AM, Duveyoung wrote:

*Q:*   But when you look at yourself, what do you see?

*Nisargadatta:* It depends how I look. When I look through the mind, I see numberless people. When I look beyond the mind, I see the witness. Beyond the witness there is the infinite intensity of emptiness and silence.

Edg: This is the constant teaching of Nisargadatta throughout his talks: awareness is not consciousness.

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