My nakshatra is Uttara Phalguni. I've been told that this had a big influence 
on my staying single. I don't know jack Sh*t about jyotish but maybe...

      From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2015 2:27 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Debate from Hell'
     You might ask yourself if you would have accomplished more or less with a 
mate.  It didn't try to stay single but it turned out that way and my horoscope 
even says that marriage is inappropriate because I have some kind of sannyasi 
yoga but it sure isn't one I know of.  Believe it or not I've had pious vedic 
astrologers say "have flings instead."  When I was playing music in clubs that 
was quite easy.  :-D 
 On 09/20/2015 12:09 PM, Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife] wrote:
     64 next month. Just went to my 45th year high school reunion last night, 
couldn't recognize a soul! We all looked so old! Everybody was going around 
looking at our name tags with our senior pictures on them to see who they 
recognized! It was hilarious.  My dad died when I was nine, I never married 
because I never expected to live long enough to raise a family. Didn't want to 
put my kids through my own personal experience. Big mistake, maybe. Hear I am 
at 64, old enough to be a grandfather. However , raising a family, I wouldn't 
have had the wonderful experiences I have had with Maharishi.
      From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2015 11:34 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] 'Debate from Hell'
 ---In, <mdixon.6569@...> wrote :
    At this point I would have to ask your age. I would guess you were born 
well after the beginning of the *Great Society*. That is when out of wedlock 
birthrates began do  increase, when the government told the masses, we will 
take care of your babies, women began to feel there was no need for a man in 
the house, a bread winner. Children  started growing up without a male role 
model and authority figure in the house and crime started ramping up. Out of 
wedlock birth rates in the black community today near 80%  and about 40 % in 
white homes, the last I read. This was unheard of before the beginning of the 
*Great Society*. 
  That's funny because I was going to ask your age as well based on some of  
your comments (BTW, I like discussing things with you because no matter how 
much we might  disagree you are alway! pleasant and civil. I think this is one 
of the things I like most about FFL now - everyone can speak their mind without 
the peanut gallery  inciting dissension by misrepresenting every viewpoint and 
consequently skewing discussions until hey resemble nothing but juvenile pie 
throwing contests). I was born in 1956 so that makes me much older than you 
think. In addition, I have never  had an abortion nor do I have any children 
(by definite choice). When my husband and I were married he had already been 
married before and had had a vasectomy (he is 7  years older than I am) and if 
we were going to have children together he was going to have to have the 
vasectomy reversed but much to his relief I told him I  had no desire for 
children. But before that I would have had many opportunities to have gotten 
pregnant but I was pretty careful. Would I have had an abortion if I  had 
gotten pregnant? I'm not absolutely sure but it seems likely that I would have.
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