thanks for your reply,my comment on one pointedness... I have noticed many 
people around the world who teach and recommend disciplines of health, 
including meditation practice: don't actually regularily practice their 
recommended disciplines in daily living.Many play the part (seminaring 
themselves to death, thinking ...they are growing); wearing the cloth of 
perceived value.

When I was 19 years of age, before even starting TM or any kind of healthy 
thinking beyond high school, I made a personal decision: challenged myself to 
live a righteous lifestyle. To me that meant, being a good person in living, no 
matter what I become in life. Even the best people on the planet , are f... 
ups: I thought, now that's a tough goal. My mind was set, in that personal 
moment, one afternoon. To this day, I have followed that "good person" 
principle in all relationships. I've screwed up and made mistakes, but never 
have I faultered from the intention of good behavior. At work, in marriage, 
with strangers..the principle stands, unshakeable in all situations.

Simply put...that is my one pointed-ness in living. It requires integrity, 
honestly, and acceptance of others as is.
People talk a good game of living: few practice it on a daily basis.
What's it done for me? Nothing more than, I am proud of my choices and who I've 
become. Far from perfect: my intention is great.
I enjoy this kind of back and forth, it fills a passion and keeps my mind 
thinking...thanks for that...
Not sure what goes from here? I was hopeful some would read my book and I could 
have that give and take. I could care less about  selling the book for profit, 
but I have to charge enough to break even. If no one wants to buy it, I will 
eventually put it out for free on free book sites, I guess. You are in the 
middle of TM book fits, a gift of sort for those who transcend. If I 
wanted money I would have wrote about sex, romance and violence.

I'm an expat, near the jungle on the border of Thailand and Mirimar, a bit 
crazy to do so, but not as crazy as living in

Dave Ryan

     On Tuesday, September 22, 2015 6:00 AM, " 
[FairfieldLife]" <> wrote:

     Hi, and Welcome - I read the available excerpts of your book - I am 
curious about your statement below that you are more one pointed and 
disciplined than most. In what domain, and what has that done for you lately? 
---In, <ryandave177@...> wrote :

Thank you for invitation to FAIRFIELD GROUPMy name is Dave Ryan, I have been 
practicing TM since 1972; Sidhi program: (govenor on 1976 flying 
course).Graduate of MIU: Santa Barbara, Calif...73-77...Fairfield to flying 
course; finished with a BIDS degree at MIU.
MS:Health Education, Univ of Colorado/UCLA, post graduate work, 78, 79.Created: 
Ryan's Brush Inc. 1984...Art creation in commercial and private settings.
Retired from working America, 2009, at age 57.I currently live, travel and 
volunteer my services in South East Asia. Living a simple life.

My reason for joining your group is simple: A book came through me: in a sense, 
without permission of self. Meaning it flowed from within (not unusual). The 
audience it was meant for: myself and people who are familiar with and 
experience finer levels of thought during Transcendental Meditation.

I live, off the beaten path, in simple settings, by choice. I am not really 
connected to western civilization, except for this sharing: a bit of connection 
and feedback. I am more one pointed and disciplined, than most.

I wrote this book, plopped it on amazon KDP select program and as expected it 
sits with few takers. Out of respect, I am not using trademarked words of TM 
movement, thus my generic keywords are not tapping into people who transcend on 
a regular basis as I. I priced the book so most can afford and gave it away for 
free under KDP Select 5 day promotion. I had hope a TM'er would pick it up and 
they may connect to my blog for back and forth comment. The more negative the 
comment, the better.... as it shapes or challenges more projection of love, on 
my end...if that makes sense to you.
It would certaintly enrich my life to share and challenge thought with those 
who experience greater awareness in thought. I am outside the box, a rebel of 
sort, and I am most certaintly respectful of Maharishi's wishes and 
expectations of us all.  I did not ask permission or grace from within the TM 
org. to write or publish this book. Reason being, the book is not about TM, it 
is a subjective experience, a work of effortless discovery of clarity in 
thinking. Book addresses my subjective experience of connection to cosmos; man, 
woman and nature. Subjective experience comes as word. The book addresses 
politics, capitalism, human behavior and perception. 75 % of book is prose and 
verse leading, logic of mind. Over 150 images of my art, reflecting the themes 
of each verse.
So here is a link to my book if u are curious..look inside the book of 463 
pages..u can pull up 10% for free to read.If u like the book's potential for 
discussion and enjoyment, I'll gift u a copy if you'll read it. You can tear it 
apart or not, just let me know if this book would be a benefit to this site. If 
not please let me know as link below with reviews
Dave Ryan

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  • [FairfieldLife] New member... Dave Ryan [FairfieldLife]
    • [FairfieldLife] Re: N... [FairfieldLife]
      • Re: [FairfieldLif... Dave Ryan [FairfieldLife]
        • Re: [Fairfiel... [FairfieldLife]
          • Re: [Fair... [FairfieldLife]
            • Re: ... [FairfieldLife]
              • ... Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
                • ... [FairfieldLife]
                • ... Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
                • ... [FairfieldLife]
                • ... Dave Ryan [FairfieldLife]
                • ... [FairfieldLife]
                • ... Dave Ryan [FairfieldLife]

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