Those could be useful adjustments, though you still have the basic "problem" with TM, of transcending twice a day -- If TM can be considered a technology, we are used to having our tech delivered with no downside, except cost. TM represents the benefits of tech; acceleration, expansion, ease, etc., but the integration of it all, the work, must still get done, to ensure continued benefits - like building our own TV, instead of buying one. Some people don't want to do all the work. Also, because it is an intra-personal technology, demonstrating the benefits can be tricky, at best. ---In, <noozguru@...> wrote :
There was a report on FFL about an Indian ayurvedic doctor who visited and offered to teach correct meditation. He maintained that TM was too "shotgun" and there were better ways using ayurveda to teach meditation. I've been saying this for years as the TM technique is pretty much for pitta or rajasic types. That might mean if you're a bit kapha TM might be fattening. Some of the Indian gurus will observe a person for several days and give a mantra appropriate for their type. On 09/23/2015 10:43 AM, olliesedwuz@... mailto:olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife] wrote: That covers a lot of ground.:-) I agree that TM is a mechanical means to liberation, through the knowledge of the Veda, and that it can work as described. It is basically a tool for us to get out of the dullness you mentioned, and get things moving again - we are at our core, transcendental beings and might as well get on with it. I also see Maharishi as a great messenger, responding to the need of the times, to bring out the knowledge that he did, though I have no need to revere him as a personality. As for TM being for everyone, it doesn't appear to be. Many who learned in the past have now set it aside. The intellectual case could be made certainly that it is a benefit for everyone, but each of us makes up our minds differently, and we are often drawn to spiritual practices for karmic reasons, in addition to a well reasoned approach. Simply having the opportunity to find a teacher and learn TM is enough, imo, and that is now well established globally. ---In, <ryandave177@...> mailto:ryandave177@... wrote : You asked: what are the 3 most important ideas in my book: A PIRATE'S CALL TO MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI; GENIUS IS EASY, BEHAVIOR'S A MESS #1. The most important idea to me in my book came, after I finished writing it, as I witnessed what I wrote. I am still learning what I wrote, as I read it again and again. In chapter 5, titled: MAHARISHI'S GIFT. In so many words, Maharishi had one inform, there lies within: your potential, unrealized intelligence and joy. Maharishi provided us with a key to unlock the pathway to what we already own: our birthright. So many people in the world believe or unconsciously assume this knowledge of life, the vedas, the meditation process, all this is given, from Maharishi. Yes... Maharishi has provided us with the key to turn on the veh! icle. Who owns the vehicle?...we all do. Knowledge is structured in consciousness, we are remembering and tapping into what we already possess. If people really understood this reality, they wouldn't say, nah, not interested, meditation is not my style. People would line up at age 10 to receive their key to unlock their God given potential as human beings. This is not Maharishi's knowledge, it is the knowledge of life. Thank God, Maharishi has enough patience and heart to pursue the work. #2. That genius seeps through cracks of dullness. In an instant, brilliance of mind may surface an idiot of sorts. That is my subjective experience: as dull as I am, I am genius in moments as it comes without effort. Not a lifetime of meditation, an instant, it arrives and one realizes, I am more than what I thought, was capable. #3. That we drag old thought through fresh fields of lost wonder. Starting with chapter 3: realizing that habits and conditions of mind, filter out, our love of life. Meditation is a tool for a freshening sense.