I wouldn't call it a mistake so much as a situation, where time has evolved to: 
readdress the issue on a major level. The issue is this: for 50 plus years TM 
has been associated with a meditation created from India. Most all people in 
the western world perceives this knowledge as outside their world. Subsciously, 
most westerners see TM and all that it is: an unnecessary component of living, 
a foreign design. After SRM days, Maharishi's wish was... that western science 
incorporate the science of creative intelligence into western thinking. The 
great minds of western science, art,... all western discipline may incorporate 
this knowledge of life, (conceived in India) into a construct of western 
 TM today, by most people outside of progressive thinking, is still thought to 
be an Eastern construct with some, scientific validation. And because of this 
perception, millions of people will still resist this meditation because of its 
association to Eastern thought. 
When corporations create product, they advertise it's value as something one 
needs for betterment of self. People buy this product because of its projective 
value. Everybody wants it, subconsciously. Subsciously, most everybody, views 
TM outside their comfort circle.There is a major shift, again with TM under the 
watch of David Lynch Foundation...a needed boost of attention. This too will 
subside or flatten to a degree over time. Hopefully it will continue growing... 
These are the steps of progress, the way knowledge unfolds over generations. 
The 1% rule is limiting our reach, we want to reach beyond our expectations.  
Why not? Corporations rely on impacting larger percentages for survival.If TM 
were a nike shoe, the world would be enlightened.$250 dollars for a nike 
shoe...are u kidding. Learn from the big boys. 
REDUCTION. Yes the world is a pile of stress, out of control and at the same 
time we may now begin speaking about greater genius, greater creativity, and 
greater goodness in the light of science. 
Envy or jealously may be the catalyst, which pushes the masses over the edge, 
into desiring more than what they have. When the masses begin to see results 
manifest in other people who do TM, they will wake to the realization; this is 
my knowledge, not India's.It's not an easy task to explain greater genius, 
resulting from TM. Start the process, it will unfold over time. 

Certaintly, all will give thanks to the tradition of masters which protected 
and passed on, this knowledge of life. The tradition's of this teaching should 
be protected and maintained behind closed doors. Emphasis should be placed upon 
western thought.  As this knowledge spreads over time, if it is successful, 
than Western man will re package this technique in the light of their language. 
Only then will the masses take hold to the degree, it should.
I understand people on blogs love to pick apart, said logic. I am not attached 
to these thoughts. I am just putting them out there for contemplation. Focus on 
the reach, not the weakness of each word or phrase. What I write is not truth, 
but relative impressions of the moment. Calling me an idiot, accomplishes 
nothing. Do better than I; I am at the bottom of such a measure, called genius. 
Even I, as dull as I am, can see imperfection.Dave Ryan

     On Friday, September 25, 2015 9:52 PM, "olliesed...@yahoo.com 
[FairfieldLife]" <FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

     Why do you think it is a mistake in the TM message? Some people aren't 
going to meditate, period, whether they understand its intent, or not. Even 
Maharishi focused on very small groups to continue the world's evolution. There 
is no need for 99% or more of the population to meditate. It is all about 
creating a catalyst. "do less and accomplish more".
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <ryandave177@...> wrote :

"The fellow who wrote it mentioned that if everyone knew TM was a gateway to 
God, they would stand in line to learn it."
This is Dave Ryan, I started this thread.......Allow me to clarify my point 
made in reference to the statement of my earlier post.What I said was...People 
would line up at age 10to receivetheir key to unlock their God givenpotential 
as humanbeings.You may suggest TM is a gateway to God but doing so would 
require work, as you suggested, I agree with your theory. You said:
 "I think a lot of the resistance to it comes from this requirement for 
mechanical and regular transcending"There in lies the problem... people outside 
of the TM movement, view us as part of a group who think a certain way. This is 
normal thinking, groups think as groups do. In a sense, a group, by it's nature 
removes it's thinking away from the whole. Others outside of the group are not 
included. We all unconsciously isolate each other's position by definition of 
who or what we claim to be. 
Belief or identification of self, sets us apart from each other. Groups draw 
and groups alienate, by their nature.
So... people view TM as something outside of their own world, thats how they 
think, TM people think a certain way and thats ok for them.
What the TM movement has failed to do: is communicate to the world what TM 
really is. 
The TM group should have said, I'm sorry, I'm your new neighbor, I found this 
key on the street next to your driveway, is this your key? Of course they would 
be delighted and excited to get their key back, they didn't have a spare key to 
drive their vehicle, now locked in garage. 
I am glad you have your key back and I am happy to have found it for you. You 
must be excited, oh yes, that key opens my world to all that I am. 
enjoy...doneWhen the movement speaks of TM, there is a personna of 
ownership...we're giving u this technique and these are the conditions. twice a 
day, only from us. 
Once a person begins TM, then they know this knowledge is their's...it's what 
they have always wanted. A key to fulfillment. Prior to that, people think this 
knowledge of TM is outside of themselves...which it's not!!! TM and all that it 
represents, is the people's knowledge, it's not owned by the TM org. The TM 
people just found the owner's key, next to their driveway.
This awareness of ownership, is not known by the masses. If they knew what TM 
was, they would tear down the doors to get back their possessions.


  On Wednesday, September 23, 2015 6:46 PM, "olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]" 
<FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

 Oh yeah, there are lots of meditations - I used TM as an example because it is 
mentioned in the book that began this discussion. The fellow who wrote it 
mentioned that if everyone knew TM was a gateway to God, they would stand in 
line to learn it. I am interested in exploring the reasons that may not happen. 
I think a lot of the resistance to it comes from this requirement for 
mechanical and regular transcending, and subsequent integration - It can make 
life uncomfortable for awhile, dealing with whatever it uncovers. That's my 
theory, so far. 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...> wrote :

Not all disciplines emphasizepracticing meditation twice a day.  Some just 
emphasize using itas needed.  It's good to step out of the shadow of TM and 
it'snarrow definitions and find out what other paths do.  I know, theymay want 
to throw you out of the dome for that but other guruswill actually have you 
visit saints, temples, gurus and ashrams. I think the restrictions were to keep 
the money flow tight.  Andof course the guilt aspect of you won't be supporting 
world peaceif you don't at least meditate or fly twice a day.  That's 
avariation on the old "Master Game" called "sin."

On 09/23/2015 04:21 PM, olliesedwuz@... [FairfieldLife]wrote:

  Those could be useful adjustments, though you still havethe basic "problem" 
with TM, of transcending twice a day-- If TM can be considered a technology, we 
are used tohaving our tech delivered with no downside, except cost.TM 
represents the benefits of tech; acceleration,expansion, ease, etc., but the 
integration of it all, thework, must still get done, to ensure continued 
benefits -like building our own TV, instead of buying one. Somepeople don't 
want to do all the work. Also, because it isan intra-personal technology, 
demonstrating the benefitscan be tricky, at best.
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, <noozguru@...>wrote :

Therewas a report on FFL about anIndian ayurvedic doctor who visited and 
offered toteach correctmeditation.  He maintained that TM was too "shotgun"and 
therewere better ways using ayurveda to teach meditation. I've beensaying this 
for years as the TM technique is prettymuch for pittaor rajasic types.  That 
might mean if you're a bitkapha TM mightbe fattening.  Some of  the Indian 
gurus will observea person forseveral days and give a mantra appropriate for 

On 09/23/2015 10:43 AM, olliesedwuz@...[FairfieldLife]wrote:

  That covers a lot of ground.:-)  I agree thatTM is amechanical means to 
liberation, through theknowledge ofthe Veda, and that it can work as 
described.It isbasically a tool for us to get out of thedullness youmentioned, 
and get things moving again - weare at ourcore, transcendental beings and might 
as wellget on withit. I also see Maharishi as a great messenger,respondingto 
the need of the times, to bring out theknowledge thathe did, though I have no 
need to revere him asapersonality. 
As for TM being for everyone, it doesn'tappear to be.Many who learned in the 
past have now set itaside. Theintellectual case could be made certainly thatit 
is abenefit for everyone, but each of us makes upour mindsdifferently, and we 
are often drawn tospiritual practicesfor karmic reasons, in addition to a 
Simply having the opportunity to find ateacher andlearn TM is enough, imo, and 
that is now wellestablishedglobally. 
---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,<ryandave177@...>wrote :

Youasked: what are the 3most important ideas in my book:

#1. The most important idea to me in mybook came,after I finished writing it, 
as Iwitnessed what Iwrote. 
I am still learning what I wrote, as Iread it againand again.
In chapter 5, titled: MAHARISHI'S GIFT.
 In so many words, Maharishi had onejob...to inform,there lies within: your 
potential,unrealizedintelligence and joy. Maharishi providedus with a keyto 
unlock the pathway to what we alreadyown: ourbirthright.

So many people in the world believe orunconsciouslyassume this knowledge of 
life, the vedas,themeditation process, all this is given,from Maharishi.Yes... 
Maharishi has provided us with thekey to turnon the veh! icle. Who owns 
thevehicle?...we all do.Knowledge is structured in consciousness,we 
areremembering and tapping into what wealready possess.
If people really understood this reality,theywouldn't say, nah, not 
interested,meditation is notmy style. People would line up at age 10to 
receivetheir key to unlock their God givenpotential as humanbeings.

This is not Maharishi's knowledge, it isthe knowledgeof life. Thank God, 
Maharishi has enoughpatience andheart to pursue the work.

#2. That genius seeps through cracks ofdullness. Inan instant, brilliance of 
mind may surfacean idiot ofsorts. That is my subjective experience:as dull as 
Iam, I am genius in moments as it comeswithout effort.
Not a lifetime of meditation, an instant,it arrivesand one realizes, I am more 
than what Ithought, wascapable.

#3. That we drag old thought through freshfields oflost wonder. Starting with 
chapter 3: realizing thathabits and conditions of mind, filter out,our love 
oflife. Meditation is a tool for afreshening sense.

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  • Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Ne... Dave Ryan ryandave...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
    • Re: [FairfieldLife] R... olliesed...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
      • Re: [FairfieldLif... ryandave...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
        • Re: [Fairfiel... olliesed...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
          • Re: [Fair... Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
            • Re: ... olliesed...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
            • Re: ... Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
            • Re: ... olliesed...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
            • Re: ... Dave Ryan ryandave...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
            • Re: ... olliesed...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
            • Re: ... Dave Ryan ryandave...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
            • Re: ... olliesed...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
            • Re: ... Dave Ryan ryandave...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
            • Re: ... olliesed...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
            • Re: ... Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
            • Re: ... emptyb...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
            • Re: ... Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net [FairfieldLife]
            • Re: ... olliesed...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

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