In a message dated 8/19/06 5:58:14 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Back when the issue was fresh, when the warrantless
aspect was being reported prominently, before the
administration and the Republicans had had a chance to
confuse things, a majority was quite clear that they
did not approve of warrantless wiretapping.
Oy vay! who was trying to confuse who? The polls you sited were from January. And the one that asked if impeachment proceedings should proceed against Bush only mentioned if he were tapping people without a warrant. A very general and vague question which even I would agree with. The Democratic poll never mentioned national security and warrantless wiretapping of phone calls coming into the US from Terrorists. However that was explained to the public over the course of the debate and the public sides with the president on the issue, at least as of May 11 2006.

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