When reading the following passage from Swami Muktananda's "Satsang 
with Baba, Volume III" (August 18, 1972, page 122), I thought that it 
was another explanation of the mechanics of stress release; that is, 
that the thoughts we have during meditation are indications of stress 
being released on the physical level:

"According to the seers of the yogic scriptures, countless impressions 
of past lives are embedded in the central nadi, sushumna.  After 
Kundalini becomes awake, these impressions start rising to the 
surface.  You should be aware that they are coming to the surface to be 
ejected from the system.  If you are aware of this truth, you will find 
it entirely pointless to be concerned or overwhelmed by the feelings 
that come to the conscious surface."

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