In a message dated 6/4/2007 11:30:27 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
> Charlie Lutes said once at a lecture I attended that Maharishi was  told by 
Guru Dev on his death bed that the timing for this knowledge to be  shared 
with the world is now. That Maharishi should not worry about the  money-that he 
would be taken care of. I'm sure this was not the exact words.  Anyway, 
Maharishi sure did take care of his physical insecurities. I believe he  owns 
over 3 
billion dollars worth of real estate. AND THEY STILL CAN'T FIX THE  LEAK IN 
THE GOLDEN DOME. Jai Guru Dev. Lsoma.

,  "curtisdeltablues"
>  "Due to continuous engagements in
> preaching and the management of the  Jyotishpeeth one thing sill
> remains to be completed and that is to  give a technique to family
> people, in general so that by sitting and  meditating for a few minutes
> in the morning and in the evening every  day, they might enjoy peace
> and happiness in their lives you have to  do this remaining work, I have
> given you everything. A son has to  complete his father's remaining
> work after him, so also a disciple  completes his guru's remaining work
> after him."
>  Doesn't this seem to contradict MMY's own account of what happened
>  after Guru Dev died and how the movement started? By his own account
>  he sat in Uttar Kashi without any thoughts for two years until he had
>  the thought to go South to Rameshwarum (Sp?) Even there he was
>  innocently goaded into doing lectures. Given MMYs delight in telling
>  the story of his meeting Guru Dev, I find the omission of the story of
>  Guru Dev's instructions to be unlikely. I think Dr. Varma was just
>  being creative here. I think if Guru Dev had given MMY this direct
>  instruction we would have heard about it from him.

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