
I've read extensively about the concept, "spacefaring aliens."  Books
and books about it.

I can come up with "reasons" all day long for why cropcircles are
important to examine -- if anything, that dynamic of human nervous
systems that leads them to make crop circles to "fool folks" is
probably something psychology should look at deeply -- if only to see
if that dynamic is operative -- perhaps pathologically -- in other
"mental operations" common to most humans.

Maybe we get married, and commit to believing in another, because of
this dynamic more than "love," for instance. 

Dunno.  So, I'm all for layin' out traps in the cornfields so's ta
catch us a mess o'them circlers and study them up proper.

Maybe the earth is being sacredly tattooed by aliens -- you know, the
designs are yantras that imbue the earth with "new resonances that
promote the coming Aquarian Age," or, the aliens are contemplating the
circles like Zen monks contemplate candle flames. Or, maybe the aliens
are Super Bill Witherspoonic Artists.

Whatever floats yer boat -- the possibilities that cropcircles could
be "something important to study" can be endlessly speculated upon.  

In today's world where Criss Angel is faking levitation with camera
tricks and paid-to-pretend-to-be-amazed "audience" performers, the
possibility that cropcircles are fulfilling the emotional needs of
shuckandjivers is virtually 100 percent, but the chance that aliens
are doing anything like this instead of the bazzillion other things
that they could do to "gradually get Earthlings used to the concept of
aliens" or whatever, is so close to ZERO that I have more important
things to put my attention on.

If you want something mysterious, look at the latest research on how
plants actually and directly interact with "existence" at the quantum
level when they use sunshine to make into food.  The quantum level!!!!
 Amazing stuff!  http://tinyurl.com/2bfc2k

And, anyone here can at least understand most of the concepts
regarding this very real phenomenon. There's a thrill for ya.  Why
waste time on "other stuff?"  If this one single aspect of plant
chemistry is understood, maybe world wide hunger can be easily brushed

But, nope.  Better to put millions of human minds on cropcircles than
on, say, actual education.

Consider the movie, Contact.  As imaginative as the film turned out,
don't miss the fact that ALL OF SCIENCE would drop everything and
study "the space message even though not understood" that Jodi
Foster's character discovered.  That's a real world, bet all your
money on it, psychological dynamic.  All the white coats in all the
labs would be drooling and studying and obsessing if even one single
for-sure-alien cropcircle, one alien artifact, one undeniable piece of
evidence were to be presented.

It isn't that the world's scientists have blinders on.  Hell, they're
all looking for something to study to get their tenures.  It's just
that they get crappola all day long that has to be ignored and
designated "unlikely" -- that ocean of mistaken beliefs is what turns
geeks into snobs and elitists.  

What next?  Flat earth?  Moon landing never happened?  911 was planned
by George Bush?  

Hey, here's an idea:  take all the time and energy you want to put on
cropcircles and put them on stopping Bushco from bombing Iran.  Tell
me you've written to every politician, and THEN, I'll pat you on the
back for wasting your time on cropcircles.  

Here's what might happen to this earth TODAY, OR TOMORROW but almost
certainly in the nest few months:  

Nuclear Fucking War By Bushco To Make The Cost Of Oil Rise So That
Bushco's Still-In-The-Ground-But-Too-Expensive-To-Drill-For Oil Is
More Valuable. $80 per barrel and rising. Iraq's oil is off-line, and
so let's take Iran's oil out of the picture too. 

How's that for an alien mind at work?

Ho hum.....I'm bored with reality ..... give me another cropcircle.

As if.....


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Duveyoung <no_reply@> wrote:
> <snip>
> > So, nope, cropcircles are almost certainly entirely human-made 
> > unless Masters of Space are also creepy types who, despite their 
> > incredible knowledge about physics and the laws of nature, spend 
> > their time mystifying Earthlings with designs in food crops, 
> > instead of, you know, landing, for instance, and saying, "Hi."
> Is ETs mystifying Earthlings the only alternative to
> human agency where crop circles are concerned?
> Or might there be other, even creepier possibilities?
> Or might *none* of the possibilities we're capable of
> dreaming up account for the known facts?
> How diligently have you examined the evidence? Are you
> aware of what the known facts *are*?

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