X-Comment-To: tom ehlert


26-ξΟΡ-2002 16:25 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (tom ehlert) wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

>>ACF> Maybe I've gone too
>>ACF> far with 'nightmare', but it's still handy to save address space.
>>     This is matter of taste, how call such desicions: "silly", "nightmare",
>> etc.
te> I often disagree with arkady,


te> like this time:


te> trouble to save 4 bits isn't 'silly'. it's outright 'dull' ;-)

     Let me clarify the situation: there is no trouble with "saving" four
bits, but I was try to dissuade Axel to make such decision, when he tries to
use part of regular enumeration space for its own needs.

     We already have much of troubles with FIDO communication software and
FoxPro DBMS, which uses some positions in upper half of ASCII8 for their own

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