X-Comment-To: Axel C. Frinke


26-ξΟΡ-2002 20:43 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Axel C. Frinke) wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

AB>>>> most clear example of such decisions is an BIOS limits for disk
AB>>>> sizes: first 512M, then 2Gb, then 4Gb, then 8Gb, then 32Gb, then 127Gb...
ACF> Hmmm... the number of codepage IDs does not grow with the same
ACF> speed than hard disks do.

     You can't know this. Gates (or someone else from IBM) says "640K will
be enough forever". Consequently, better not to introduce new limits and
barriers by yourself - there already enough bottlenecks.

ACF> But I go for that.

     Fine. :)

AF>>>>> Yes, but whenever new codepages are introduced, such lookup tables
AF>>>>> must be maintained, this can become a cumbersome work.
AB>>>>      Why?
ACF> Actually, I starting to ask this question to myself. At meanwhile,
ACF> it seems to be less effort for me to implement lookup tables than
ACF> constisting on my idea. ;-)

     That's right. :)

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