What worries me, is this mom is used to farm life, and for starters, may not 
even want to live with us.  If she abandons her babies by being moved here (I 
would lock her in a room with them, but she still could abandon them), I don't 
know that I am able to feed the babies, both my husband and I work mon-fri, 8 
hours a day.  We live 20-25 min drive away from work outside of the city.  It 
is possible to come home at lunch time, but that gives us only 10-15 mins to 
feed the babies.

How often do babies need to eat?  Isn't it every couple of hours?  And how long 
do they need to eat that frequently.  I could probably take a few days off work 
to look after them, but do they need to eat that frequently for a whole 4 
weeks?  I really know nothing about looking after baby kittens.

I just don't want to do more harm than good here.


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