Sorry, I forgot to answer the question about steroids, (I'm a bit brain damaged myself these days). She's on the Methylprednisone shots every two weeks. That's a steroid isn't it?


It's n ot brain damage. Simon was doing exactly the same thing for a while and I thought it was chemo having affected his sense of smell and taste or something. warming food did help. Warmed liver shake helped the most.

Nina, are you sure that she does not have lymphoma? People on the lymphoma list serve say that cats with IBD seem to have more propensity for intestinal and stomach lymphoma. It can be diffuse, meaning no palpable masses but lymphoma in the lining of the intestines or stomach. It would cause a lot of the symptoms she has. If there are no masses, I do not know how it would be diagnosed, though, except maybe by ultrasound. Is she on steroids of any sort?

I'm glad to hear she is eating something, though. even if you have to warm it and do headstands to get her to do it.

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