I don't have much experience of successful assist feeding/ideas to
contribute, but I hope the other ideas you're getting are helping get food
into Gypsy. It is so distressing to watch them refuse food, and such a
relief when they do eat. I'm sending positive vibes for Gypsy, and hoping
she gets the nutrition she needs today.
love and hugs to you both, Kerry

----- Original Message -----
From: "Belinda Sauro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2005 11:25 AM
Subject: Re: Update on Gypsy

>       Nina,
>     If Gypsy doesn't mind the syringing too much you should try to get
> more food into her, not baby food but real food.  You can blend it to
> get it liquidy enough.  She really needs nutrition or she will not make
> it.  Even if you just try syringing her a bit to get her started every
> hour or so, but if she isn't eating enough, a tablespoon or two of food
> is not enough food to live on.  You might want to join the FAF group
> (Feline Assited Feeding), many on there assist feed or syringe and some
> have made an art of it and are quite good at it and their kitties have
> gotten used to it.
> Here is the group address if you want to check into it:
> --
>  Belinda
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> Be-Mi-Kitties ...
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