I am definately pulling for you guys

Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
She could very well have intestinal lymphoma. She has very little
muscle left and I shutter to think what must be going on with her
internal organs. The vet did palpitate her, but we didn't do an
ultrasound. She would have to be put under, she's come a long way as
far as trusting us, but that would be impossible for her. I really
don't think she'd survive the anesthetic, or chemo for that matter. I
just have to pray that what we're doing for her will be enough, that
she'll recover her bowel function and slowly start putting on weight.
My mother was asking about her today and she (once again) told me that
if Gypsy were her's she'd already have put her to sleep. I am convinced
that she'd be long gone if she were still on the street, so I guess I
just have to be content with what I'm doing for her. I know for a fact
that she wants ! to live.

I've been trying to keep her food bland, if she starts refusing the cod
and chicken, I'll whip her up some of the liver shake. A little bit ago
she was asking for food, but refused both the cod and chicken. I gave
her some of her canned venison, heated, of course, and she ate a little
over a tablespoon. That's actually a good bit for her in one sitting.

Something else interesting, that I've noticed; she eats better right
after I syringe her meds/baby food into her. It's like she remembers
how hungry she is after something finally goes down her throat.



>It's n ot brain damage. Simon was doing exactly the same thing for a while
>and I thought it was chemo having affected his sense of smell and taste or
>something. warming food did help. Warmed liver shake helped the most.
>Nina, are you sure that she does not have lymphoma? People on the lymphoma
>list serve say that cats with IBD seem to have more propensity for intestinal
>and stomach lymphoma. It can be diffuse, meaning no palpable masses but
>lymphoma in the lining of the intestines or stomach. It would cause a lot of the
>symptoms she has. If there are no masses, I do not know how it would be
>diagnosed, though, except maybe by ultrasound. Is she on steroids of any sort?
>I'm glad to hear she is eating something, though. even if you have to warm
>it and do headstands to get her to do it.

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