Another thing, is there a ton of sensitivity warnings on the package?  
Depending on how sensitive it is to light and air you can break open the 
capsules (its usually really easy) and split that in half and mix with whatever 
he likes to eat.  You can maybe save the other half (but I don't know if it 
will go bad) Or you can make it into a liquid...I can tell you how if you want. 
 But it'll be alot of typing so let me know :)
> Date: 2005/02/04 Fri AM 08:55:20 EST
> To:
> Subject: Lysine question
> I have been giving Simon 250 mg (hal a tablet) of Lysine twice a day for a 
> few weeks with his pred, and it has seemed to help him (he was sneezing a lot 
> before that).  I ran out and got more from the health food store, the only 
> bottle they had left, and got home to find out it is 500 mg capsules-- rather 
> large 
> and obviously can't be split like a pill. he will not eat it in anything, and 
> in fact is not eating at all this morning and I am wondering if it could 
> possibly have to do with not getting any Lysine last night.  My question is 
> do you 
> think it is ok to give him 500 mg at one time, once a day, rather than 250 
> twice a day? And if you think it is ok to pill him with what seems like a 
> fairly 
> large capsule.  I have pilled him with half a tablet, fairly big but not as 
> big as the capsule, just fine by covering it with Nutrical.  
> Thanks,
> Michelle

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