At 1:14 PM -0400 6/23/02, Christopher BJ Smith wrote:

>The term "arranger' is hardly used any more, as his duties in the 
>industry now seem to be covered by the title "producer", who used to 
>be the guy who assembled the team and arranged financing and 
>distribution, but now makes musical decisions. "Artistic Producer" 
>and "Executive Producer" are a neat distinction, along with 
>"Associate Producer", who only seems to supply money.

And in the credits to a movie I saw recently I noticed:

Assistant Producer
2nd Assistant Producer
2nd 2nd Assistant Producer

What is THAT about?  I've worked a bit with film, so I know there are 
all kinds of producers, line producers, executive producers, etc. 
etc.  But "2nd 2nd"?

Maybe it was a joke.

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