1) Changes in MIDI don't usually play back until you click the stop 
button in the Playback tool. This tells the program to dump the 
memory of the previous playback.

2) Make sure that the play continuous data is checked in the playback 

3) I know you don't want to go this route, but changing key 
velocities rather that controller data has some advantages depending 
on the synth or sampler. (e.g., you can get different attacks or 
sounds at different velocity levels and a better signal to noise 
ratio and so on).

Can you set volume levels from within the mixer, real or virtual? 
This may be the best way to go for instrument templates that you use 
a lot.

Two last "D'oh" kind of things to check: Are you changing continuous 
controller #7 or some other number? Is your synth/sampler/midi 
interface/quicktime instrument filtering out controller data in some 

Best wishes,
Randolph Peters

Andrew Stiller wrote:
>Following the advice given by several folks on the list, I tried 
>changing the volume of one orchestral staff by assigning it a fixed 
>value rather than applying a percentage. Still no go. The loudness 
>is unaffected, though Finale does at  least seem to recognize  that 
>something  was done.
>What now?
>Exact sequence of events: opened file, scroll view. Selected MIDI 
>tool. Clicked to L of clar. staff to select it; the staff highlights 
>in response. Chose Midi Tool/Continuous Data, then Midi Tool/Set 
>Value. Entered smallish number in dialogue box. Pressed Return to 
>exit dialog. Spacebar-clicked score to begin playback. No change in 
>clarinet volume observed.
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