At 10:11 AM 07/13/02, Johannes Gebauer wrote:

[answering me]
>> Something else I don't think we've mentioned yet is that it's quite likely
>> that a comprehensive list of expressions will have more than one with the
>> same text (eg, different typestyle, different playback, etc.). With just
>> type-in-score keyed off the text, you won't be able to access the second
>> one.

>Ever used a browser with auto-complete? Need I say more? Of course you can
>access any of them.

With just type in score? I confess my ignorance. How? It seems to me you
need the mouse to get at the bottom ones.

Yes, I have used a browser with auto-complete, but I can't recall ever
having a list with two identical items on it.  What happens when you get to
the end of the name and both items are still there? If you hit return, you
get the top one, right?


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