On 29 Sep 2002 at 18:09, Philip Aker wrote:

> On Sunday, Sep 29, 2002, at 17:10 US/Pacific, David W. Fenton wrote:
> > On 29 Sep 2002 at 10:53, Andrew Stiller wrote:
> >> :D Fento0n:
> [...]
> >>> And on another note, why do you always use non-standard quotation 
> >>> style? Is it because you're using an email program that doesn't 
> >>> support the normal standard quotation style?
> >> I don't. Maybe  your e-mail program doesn't parse my messages 
> >> properly :->
> > The customary method is to attribute the quotation at the top, rather 
> > than including the signature at the end to indicate who wrote it. I 
> > see that you've done it (with, I hope,  a typo, rather than some kind 
> > of childish commentary intended) in this message.
> I rarely agree with David but in this case he is making a reasonable 
> request. For example, it's not good etiquette to take a potshot at 
> someone's remarks and not have enough guts to attribute the quoted 
> material as the offender in this case often does. Furthermore, if one 
> was to analyze the delinquent email over a long period of time, it's 
> possible to notice that consistently, some people are attributed 
> correctly and others not. I for one would welcome a switch to a less 
> discriminatory style of posting.

Well, to be perfectly fair, Andrew always attributes his quotations, 
just in a non-standard manner.

David W. Fenton                 |       http://www.bway.net/~dfenton
David Fenton Associates         |       http://www.bway.net/~dfassoc

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