At 7:12 AM -0500 1/27/03, Christopher BJ Smith wrote:
>Well, the GUI is what we are using most of the time, and if I have to
>wait around for boxes to open, screens to redraw, etc., then I work
>more slowly. However, I WAS nonplussed at how fast scrolling is on my
>(now 1 year old) G4; in some programs the font menu scrolls so fast
>that I can't use any font whose name begins with K, L, or M, as I zip
>past those fonts to the end of the font list no matter how slowly I
>move the mouse.

FWIS - There are two things I've found help on my computer. One is to
reduce the number of monitor colors to 256, which makes screen redraw much
faster. The other is to select a font at the bottom of the popup list, then
open the font list again and it should start at the selected font, offering
the next batch of fonts in alphabetical order. I know this is a kludge. I
have a vague memory of another fix for this scrolling thing, but it evades
me now.

Carlberg Jones
Colima, Col., Mexico
Tel. 001-52-312-330-3531

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