On Thursday, March 27, 2003, at 11:40 PM, D. Keneth Fowler wrote:

I seem to have forgotten how to deal with a continuous long string of tuplets. The OLD does not seem to help. WinFin2003a.

Meter is 4/4. I need to enter four groups of six 16th notes beamed together on two staves in each measure. I would like to set this up prior to note entry since this tuplet scheme runs continuously for 90 measures, beginning to end. Page layout is two measures per system in landscape. I thought that would give room to minimize bunching up of the notes during entry. I set the tuplet d/b to six 16ths = 1 quarter, but it seems not to stay that way. I managed to get the first measure established with much monkeying around. I can get two groups set up in the second measure but uncontrollable notes spill beyond the paper edge. I did something like this some time ago but can't remember how I did it. I think then I could not set a global setting to provide correct beaming and location in the measures before starting note entry.

1) Is there any good reason why you're not just entering the notes in Scroll View?

2) If you *must* enter the notes in Page View, copy the first measure 89 times, select all, respace the music, update layout, and then replace all the copied pitches with the correct ones (using a MIDI keyboard and the "enter" key). Or, if you don't like that, you can then delete the copied music and the spacing of the original measure will be preserved, which should be adequate to at least enter the music without major collisions. Make sure you have "automatic music spacing" turned off.

- Darcy

Boston MA

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- Benjamin Franklin

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