Christopher wrote:
> I am replying to the list on the assumption that there may be some
> others who would like to know as well.
> Select the Smart Shapes Tool.
<instructions snip>

Thank you, Christopher!  FWIW, I have Finale 2003.r2 on a PC, and when I
followed your instructions, I clicked "Select" and the first one was the
wavy gliss line (no words visible) and all of the others were some variation
of straight lines.  So, I clicked on one of the straight lines, then clicked
on the wavy line again & clicked OK.  After that, when I entered a
glissando, there was no word attached to it.  Not sure why, but it worked,
so hey....

-Michèle Sharik
Director of Adult Handbells, San Ramon Valley UMC, Alamo, CA
Director, Choir of Bells, Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church, Sunnyvale, CA
Handbell Solo Artist, Teacher, & Clinician
Member of Sonos & Sonos Quartet

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