At 03:59 PM 8/27/2003, Jari Williamsson wrote:
>Aaron Sherber writes:
>> The new Simple Entry commands are very powerful (and customizable), but
>> contrary to Jari's opinion I do not think this is now the entry method of
>> choice for those of us working without a MIDI keyboard.
>I did not say that. I said just for _adding_ new material.

Ah, I must have misunderstood. You mean inserting new material, right? I took this to mean adding on to the end of a file as well -- that is, entering music. My bad.

>> keyboard as a 3-octave entry tool. Having to type the letter names A-G, and
>> having access to only one octave at a time, seems to make entry much slower
>> than with Speedy.
>...but it's very easy to move between the octaves...

Not as easy as with Speedy, where I have 3 octaves under my hand. Imagine a simple pattern in eighth notes alternating two notes in different octaves. In Simple, it takes me 2 keystrokes to get each note (unless I'm missing something) -- in Speedy only one.

>Did you try clearing the temp folder? Not that this will solve all the speed
>issues on hires or slow systems, which is a know issue (but let
>MakeMusic! know about it anyway).

For starters, I wouldn't exactly call my system slow, although it is a couple of years old. It's a PIII 733 with 256 MB RAM, running Win2K -- and I routinely run all kind of memory and screen-intensive apps (Quark, Illustrator, etc.) without noticing this kind of slowdown. For Finale to run this poorly on recent hardware is inexplicable. And I'm not sure what effect clearing the temp folder would have, but I'll take a look.

>> AND it's not true that the screen now always displays correctly.
>In my review I said: "Another way of putting it: if you still encounter
>situations where the screen does not display as it should, make sure to
>report the bug to the technical support!"

Yes, and I will -- it's just that I was surprised to find this kind of bug literally in the first 10 minutes of use. (I wasn't criticizing your review, Jari -- for the second or third year in a row, it was your review rather than the Coda marketing materials that induced me to upgrade.)

>Ctrl+D will have little effect in the new update system, since everything is
>cached. Instead, use Ctrl+Shift+D for buggy situations.

Thanks, I'll give that a try.


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