Actually, it won't collide with the stem of the fourth beat (this was a treble clef staff, so the final B/G chord stem extended just a bit further down than the stem on the first three chords) even if it is lined up with the first three expressions. And if I drag the triangle that moves all the expressions after they are entered, they still remain proportionally out of line just as they were placed, so I still have to drag the fourth expression manually.

I will experiment with changing the setting, although I really hope I won't have to edit each expression in each library included -- there ought to be a single setting for all expressions that would change that.

I have contacted [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the problem and am very curious to read what they have to say.

Thanks for your suggestion!

Robert Patterson Finale wrote:

I'm not sure I agree it's a bug. If your positioning option is "Below Staff Baseline or Entry" it is working as designed. I could not reproduce your example. Perhaps I was using a different clef or octave.

But "Below Staff Baseline or Entry" is *supposed* to push expressions out of line if they would collide with the entry being on the baseline. If you don't care about collisions (as apparently you don't), use "Below Staff Baseline".

I'm not sure why Jari says this is a bug, unless there is some aspect of this that I don't understand.

David H. Bailey wrote:

I used expression metatool 4, and no matter where I had the cursor on the first three chords, the expressions all aligned themselves properly below the staff. When I used metatool 4 to place the same expression under beat 4, the expression was out of line with the other three, so I still had to drag it by hand, to have it visually in line with the other 3 expressions.

Jari Williamsson wrote:

This is a bug!

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