
I hope I understand this correctly. What you've run into is this. When an
expression is set to "Above Staff Baseline or Entry" in the expression
definition, it calculates the distance from the baseline to the entry and
calculates the distance from the entry and the entry offset. If the
expression will collide with the entry sitting on the baseline, Finale
positions it using the entry offset instead.

-----Original Message-----
From: David H. Bailey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2003 5:35 AM
Subject: [Finale] Expression alignment


It was with great anticipation I looked at the new expression tool 
changes, especially when those alignment triangles appear at the left of 
the screen, indicating that it will be possible to align the expressions 
with each other.

However, on my first experiment, with only one measure, it is clear this 
isn't much better than the old system.

I had entered 4 quarter notes, 3 of which were 2-note chords A/D, A/D, 
C/E (lower/higher).  The fourth beat is a 2-note chord B/G, which makes 
Finale extend the stem down to offset the high G.

I used expression metatool 4, and no matter where I had the cursor on 
the first three chords, the expressions all aligned themselves properly 
below the staff.  When I used metatool 4 to place the same expression 
under beat 4, the expression was out of line with the other three, so I 
still had to drag it by hand, to have it visually in line with the other 
3 expressions.

I thought this change was to give us perfectly aligned expressions no 
matter what.

I can see no options for expressions, either in the Expression menu or 
in the Document Options, so I can't see any way to change this behavior.

What am I doing wrong?  Or did I misunderstand this feature?

David H. Bailey

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